We had a good weekend...Kason spent the weekend at his dads. Friday night me and Shaun hung out at the house. Saturday we worked on the house until Alabama game time then headed to my aunts to watch the game with my family. Sunday we went to church and had our Young Married Luncheon and enjoyed adult time with others. Afterwards we headed home and worked on the back yard until dark. We got alot done and hopefully if the rain will hold off the yard will get back to normally.
Well all I can say is I'm glad last week is over...My family had a very stressful time and I pray that it only gets better. Please continue to pray that Shaun will get a job soon.
Kason was at his dads all weekend. Friday my dad came over to help Shaun work on the back porch from where the ceiling was leaking. They got alot accomplished and me and Shaun finished alot of it Friday night. We still have alot to do but until it stops raining we are going to hold off on painting the porch area.
Saturday ofcourse my plan was to sleep late but for some reason that didn't happen. I had my 1 pm appointment at Kids Market and Mom Consignment. I got alot of great winter clothes for Kason and we should be set for the winter....YAY!!!! Later that night we decided to go watch the Auburn game at Robert's house. I spent most of my time holding Chloe. She is such a sweet little baby. I told Amanda if I get baby fever just let me keep her for the night and I will quickly get over it. I don't do well with no sleep. Sunday ofcourse was Sunday School and church then to Nanny and Poppy's lunch. After wards we headed home so I could get Kason back in my arms.
Just a few words of truth, God will see you through anything (know matter how unwise our decision are). All we have to do is truly trust him, and he will bring you through anything. Yes their is consequences (but never anything you can not handle). Most of the time the tough things we go through makes us stronger and wiser. ( But it is never easy to walk through tough times).
You gotta love little girls..Happy Birthday to Madison
Shaun's Tricycle when he was Kason's age...It needs alittle fixin' but he loves it.
Warning before you watch you should know I'm no singer...Listen at your own risk!!!
My fabulous side yard. We had a water pipe burst and we thought it would be a single line fix until we realized that half the house was t-off from the main pipe so he had to dig another hole behind the house for the cold water to work. Shaun and the neighbor couldn't figure out how all the pipes ran but we found the gas line when Shaun hit it with the digger. Oh well atleast he didn't have the gas line hooked up so the house didn't explode. Let me just say Lowes has made some money off of me this weekend. Who ever plumbed my house in the 60's did a really crazy job.
Well lets see where should I being???? Kason went to his daddy's for Thursday, Friday and most of the day on Saturday so that left me pretty empty handed for a few days and to be honest I can't really remember what we did. Friday by dad came and took me to Apple Bee's for lunch which was a nice surprise and treat.
Friday night me and Shaun hung out at the house for awhile and grilled steaks for dinner and then went to his old house to finish getting "his stuff" as he calls it...I just call most of it junk. I have learned that Shaun is a PACK RAT and most of you know me if I don't use it within 3-6 months it goes to the garbage or goes to someone else. I don't treasure anything for a long period of time.
Saturday of course was rainy for most of the day so we tried to do inside work around the house. I decided to take down Kason's baby / toddler bed and go ahead and put him in a twin bed that we had. I knew it would be awhile before I could get him a full bed and to be honest it wouldn't fit in his room right now anyways so I want to go ahead and start transforming his room from a baby room to a boy room. Later that evening we met Kason's dad in Irondale to get the little man back and then headed to my Aunt Robin's to watch the Alabama game. We enjoyed alot of good fun and family time and almost had a trip to the ER when Kason got hit between the eyes with a pool ball...but thank the good Lord he was okay and only has a little bump and burse. He has a hard little head.
Sunday was a complete lazy day...Kason was up bright and early Sunday morning (6:55 am) and I was dead tired so we decided to skip church and went straight to Shaun's parents for lunch...BOSTON BUTT (YUMMIE) We hung out there for awhile then back home for a nap..A 3 hour nap..THANK THE LORD. Later that night we went and hung out with Robert, Amanda and Baby Chloe for awhile. Kason of course was all over the place showing everyone what a boy he is and I just tried to keep him away from the baby as much as possible.
Monday (Labor Day) Kason decided he would sleep alittle bit longer (8 am) which was better but I just couldn't get motivated to do anything. I mostly just stayed on the couch watching Kason play and run around the house all day. Later that evening we dressed in our Team Gear again so we could get FREE Chick Fil A sandwich's, took drinks and chips from the house and headed to the Splash Pad / Park for a picnic and alittle play time. We had a blast and Kason ran me and Shaun to death all over the park / soccer field.
I hope everyone had a great holiday. Hopefully everyone got to spend time with family and friends.
My sweet little Maddie girl (neice) turns 7 on Thursday the 10th and we will be celebrating her birthday this weekend.
Please continue to keep Shaun and our family in your prayers as he searchs for a job.
Well since my crazy work has decided to block ever website known to man kind it has made it really difficult to upload to my blog from work. I can't even get pictures to transfer over from Picasa. However they didn't block "You Tube" (which I must state is CRAZY) so I can at least still upload videos and I will have to do pictures from home. I can't even tell you how upset I am about Facebook being blocked. I feel like I have lost all touch with reality through the day. I mean what are they thinking???
We went to Family Fun Night at Upward Park last night and had a blast. Kason ran us all over the field playing from one thing to another. He has also finally learned his name...Kason Reno. So now when you ask him what his name is he doesn't say baby. Now if we can just get the boy to say Yes instead of No for everything we will have had a major break through. Kason is going to stay with his daddy starting tonight till Saturday so needless to say I will miss the little guy but we will be getting him back just in time for the Alabama football game on Saturday.
Not really for sure what the rest of the week holds for me and Shaun. We are praying with all the resumes that he has put out there he will get something soon. Please just continue to pray for our family and that God will open a door for us in this area soon.