Right before I started this posted I looked back at all the post I did from 2010, good and bad. I must say I have to do a better job a blogging in 2011. Hopefully this year my post will be more about happier and fun things instead of divorce, confusion and just plan craziness. Even thought I must say 2010 was a rough year for me emotionally I still look at my sweet little boy and think really was it that bad? Kason has had a record setting year with health since the day he was born, I am healthy for the most part even though I'm about 25lbs over my like weight, I still have a job, a roof over my head, a car to drive (even though the front end has been torn up twice I should add) my parents and close family are all still alive and healthy and I wasn't admitted into the St. Vincent's psych ward just yet...I'm pasty enough during the winter so a white jacket just really isn't my thing. There is alot that I have to be thankful for even through all the bad of 2010.
I have absolutely no idea what is in store for me and Kason in 2011. I know my main goal for 2011 is to find me and Kason a church we can call home and attend on a regular bases. I have done a poor job of this task in 2010 but I still know and haven't forgot what should be top priority in my life and that taking Kason to church is the most important task I can do for him as a child. I had no idea 3 year ago and some odd months that when God gave me Kason the obstacle I would face up until this point but having Kason has been the best, most rewarding miracle I could possibly receive. I have said this since the day of my divorce with Dennis, Kason has and will always be my saving grace. I live everyday just to see him live another day. I love you BUG :)
To my family and friends: I know I have driven everyone of you to the point of crazy and I know that many of you have told me things not once but a million times and I still didn't listen most of the time. I am thankful to have such loving and forgiving people in my life even when I didn't make decision that they necessarily agreed with. As my title says should have bought stock in Kleenex because I kept them in business in 2010. Alot of people have come and gone through my life over the course of the year but I know the ones that mean the most and truly know what kind of person I am will still be with me in 2011. I'm sure there just praying even begging it's not as bad as 2010. I Love you all for every prayer and every word (either encouraging or just the plan truth) that was said to me.
As far as me these days...it's just day to day, but as Sara Evans says in her song "Even on my weakest day I get a little bit stronger". I keep getting told to "Have Faith" so that's what I'm trying to do, and keep reminding myself that this time will only make me a stronger person in the end.
On a fun note for 2011, it's the year of Disney!!! 70 days to be a matter of fact and I couldn't be more excited. I booked our flight yesterday so it seems more real now. I can't wait to see Kason's face and experience all the excitement that I know this trip is going to bring.
Love you all and Happy New Year!!! Angela
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
We Have Had A Great December...
Me and Kason have had the best December in a really long time or maybe I should say I have had the best time and just enjoying it with Kason is icing on the cake.
I was able to take off work the day of Kason's Christmas party at daycare. We had a really great time, the kids ate a little bit of everything from chicken nuggets, cheese to cupcakes. They exchanged books between themselves and also opened presents for there class. He got a lot of extra goodies from all the other kids in the class as well. It was like a earlier little Christmas for him.
Afterwards we meet April and Nathan and took the boys to the McWane Center. I always forget how drained the McWane Center makes me feel, chasing him around 3 different levels is completely exhausting to me.

Then we had our 5th Annual Girl's Bake Day. We tried to be a little more organized this year but something always happens, this year was almost the burning of Amy's Magic Cookie Bars and a little mix up with Kristi's peppermint candy. Of course we still managed to have a lot of fun, a lot of laughs and a lot of really good treats at the end of the day.

After bake day I headed to Huntsville for the rest of the weekend to see Tim. Saturday night we went to the dinner at a little Japanese steakhouse and then to the bowling ally to celebrate a friend's birthday.

Then Sunday we were up and at it for my first NFL football game with Jerald and Laura. It was extremely cold but we had a lot of fun and had really good seats. Before heading back to Huntsville we ate dinner at the Crab Shack in downtown Nashville and it was yummie!!! Can't wait to head back to Nashville to celebrate New Year's Eve with some good friends!! :)

It's Christmas time!!!
I just can't even believe that Christmas has come and gone once again. As always we celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family. It is tradition to go to my Mawmaw's on Christmas Eve and this year we did a Mexican theme menu which turned out really well. Tim gave me the idea to make Mexican lasagna, everything was okay with that plan until I scorched my first lasagna mixture trying to do to many things at one time. Of course he saved the day, went and bought everything again and after rave reviews my Mexican lasagna was a hit.

Christmas morning is getting more exciting every year because Kason is really starting to believe that Santa comes while he is sleeping and leaves toys. Waking up this Christmas morning was even more exciting because it was actually snowing, nothing big in our area but to see the white stuff on Christmas morning makes it that much magical. Of course it never fails the morning I actually want him to get up early he doesn't so I had to wake him up to tell him Santa had been to visit. My parents came by to visit to see just what all Santa had left for Kason.

After a lot of playing, I took Kason to his Granny's so he could spend Christmas through New Year's with his Daddy

then me and Tim headed back to my Mawmaw's for some Christmas Day lunch.

That evening we went to the movie's to see Little Fockers, a little disappointed in the movie and also didn't realize how many people actually went to the movies on Christmas Day. Afterwards we met some friends at Hooters for dinner since your dining options on Christmas Day are limited. It's either Waffle House or Hooters.

Sunday morning we woke up to more snow showers and a really cold day. I managed to get all my Christmas decorations put up before New Year's Day. Let me just say this is a first for me and maybe this first will bring me Good Luck in 2011. After going to lunch with Tim, he headed back to Huntsville and I did a little after Christmas shopping then headed home to finish cleaning the house.
My work week is going to be short, heading to Huntsville on Wednesday then headed to Nashville on Friday to celebrate New Year's with some really good friends. Already missing my bug of course but I know he is loving his time with his daddy. I will be more than ready to have his little self back in my arms on Monday. It's way to quite in this house when he is gone and I miss his cute little smile. I almost don't know what to do with myself when he isn't around.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas with family and friends I know me and Kason sure did. We love you all and Happy New Years!!
I was able to take off work the day of Kason's Christmas party at daycare. We had a really great time, the kids ate a little bit of everything from chicken nuggets, cheese to cupcakes. They exchanged books between themselves and also opened presents for there class. He got a lot of extra goodies from all the other kids in the class as well. It was like a earlier little Christmas for him.
Afterwards we meet April and Nathan and took the boys to the McWane Center. I always forget how drained the McWane Center makes me feel, chasing him around 3 different levels is completely exhausting to me.

Then we had our 5th Annual Girl's Bake Day. We tried to be a little more organized this year but something always happens, this year was almost the burning of Amy's Magic Cookie Bars and a little mix up with Kristi's peppermint candy. Of course we still managed to have a lot of fun, a lot of laughs and a lot of really good treats at the end of the day.

After bake day I headed to Huntsville for the rest of the weekend to see Tim. Saturday night we went to the dinner at a little Japanese steakhouse and then to the bowling ally to celebrate a friend's birthday.
Then Sunday we were up and at it for my first NFL football game with Jerald and Laura. It was extremely cold but we had a lot of fun and had really good seats. Before heading back to Huntsville we ate dinner at the Crab Shack in downtown Nashville and it was yummie!!! Can't wait to head back to Nashville to celebrate New Year's Eve with some good friends!! :)

It's Christmas time!!!
I just can't even believe that Christmas has come and gone once again. As always we celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family. It is tradition to go to my Mawmaw's on Christmas Eve and this year we did a Mexican theme menu which turned out really well. Tim gave me the idea to make Mexican lasagna, everything was okay with that plan until I scorched my first lasagna mixture trying to do to many things at one time. Of course he saved the day, went and bought everything again and after rave reviews my Mexican lasagna was a hit.

Christmas morning is getting more exciting every year because Kason is really starting to believe that Santa comes while he is sleeping and leaves toys. Waking up this Christmas morning was even more exciting because it was actually snowing, nothing big in our area but to see the white stuff on Christmas morning makes it that much magical. Of course it never fails the morning I actually want him to get up early he doesn't so I had to wake him up to tell him Santa had been to visit. My parents came by to visit to see just what all Santa had left for Kason.

After a lot of playing, I took Kason to his Granny's so he could spend Christmas through New Year's with his Daddy

then me and Tim headed back to my Mawmaw's for some Christmas Day lunch.
That evening we went to the movie's to see Little Fockers, a little disappointed in the movie and also didn't realize how many people actually went to the movies on Christmas Day. Afterwards we met some friends at Hooters for dinner since your dining options on Christmas Day are limited. It's either Waffle House or Hooters.
Sunday morning we woke up to more snow showers and a really cold day. I managed to get all my Christmas decorations put up before New Year's Day. Let me just say this is a first for me and maybe this first will bring me Good Luck in 2011. After going to lunch with Tim, he headed back to Huntsville and I did a little after Christmas shopping then headed home to finish cleaning the house.
My work week is going to be short, heading to Huntsville on Wednesday then headed to Nashville on Friday to celebrate New Year's with some really good friends. Already missing my bug of course but I know he is loving his time with his daddy. I will be more than ready to have his little self back in my arms on Monday. It's way to quite in this house when he is gone and I miss his cute little smile. I almost don't know what to do with myself when he isn't around.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas with family and friends I know me and Kason sure did. We love you all and Happy New Years!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sara Evans - A Little Bit Stronger
Oh how I can relate to this song.
I'm finally starting to see that no matter what I go through it will and has made me a stronger person. Every day is a new day, a new beginning, a chance to start something new with the ones that really mean the most to me (family and friends). Life is full of disappointment and even though what I thought was a fairy tale marriage between my parents it's not always the case and excepting that is a challenge in my life. As the song says "but I'm telling myself I'll be okay even on my weakest days I get a little bit stronger".
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wow It's Been A Really Long Time
Me and Kason have been 2 busy people over the last couple of months, with a lot of exciting things going on.
We celebrated Halloween in style this year!! This was my first year to really try my skills out with craving a pumpkin, took Kason and Madison to Boo at the Zoo, visited my sister church for Trunk or Treat and was still able to have a little fun myself.

Novemember started off with our annual trip to Auburn with my Aunt Robin to visit my cousin Shelley, Auburn's Homecoming game and AG day. We had a great time as always, but of course it was probably are last since my cousin and her husband are now moving to Mississippi for a new job.

Saw Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan in concert with my friend Jason, Leah and Lance.

then went to Huntsville to meet my friend Tim for the first time. It mostly involved my favorite restaurant PF Chang's, BWW for the UFC and then a little Bridge Street shopping for myself on Sunday.

The Wednesday of Thanksgiving we had our annual decorating of my MawMaw's Christmas Tree, which is always a fun time for the grand kids and great grand kids

Thanksgiving Day was such a blessing because I got to spend it with my little boy and my very much so crazy family. As always we had a lot of really good food and most of the men were asleep within a hour

Thanksgiving weekend was extra exciting this year because I was able to spend Thanksgiving dinner in Tuscaloosa with Tim for my first full weekend of Auburn and Alabama tailgating. All I can say is we had a blast and what made it even better for me was AUBURN BEAT Alabama...doesn't get much better than that.

Nothing starts the month of December off better than the Morris Christmas Parade and a SEC Champsonship win for Auburn..WAR EAGLE!!!

We also went to my sister's church to watch Madison's Christmas program "Back To The Manager"

And here we are up to date on what's been going on in our lives...tomorrow is a Mommie and Kason day with his school Christmas party and then off to the McWane Center with April and the boys. It's also the weekend of our annual Family Girl's Bake Day on Saturday then I'm heading to Huntsville for my first NFL Titians football game on Sunday.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Love you all!!
We celebrated Halloween in style this year!! This was my first year to really try my skills out with craving a pumpkin, took Kason and Madison to Boo at the Zoo, visited my sister church for Trunk or Treat and was still able to have a little fun myself.
Novemember started off with our annual trip to Auburn with my Aunt Robin to visit my cousin Shelley, Auburn's Homecoming game and AG day. We had a great time as always, but of course it was probably are last since my cousin and her husband are now moving to Mississippi for a new job.
Saw Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan in concert with my friend Jason, Leah and Lance.
then went to Huntsville to meet my friend Tim for the first time. It mostly involved my favorite restaurant PF Chang's, BWW for the UFC and then a little Bridge Street shopping for myself on Sunday.
The Wednesday of Thanksgiving we had our annual decorating of my MawMaw's Christmas Tree, which is always a fun time for the grand kids and great grand kids
Thanksgiving Day was such a blessing because I got to spend it with my little boy and my very much so crazy family. As always we had a lot of really good food and most of the men were asleep within a hour
Thanksgiving weekend was extra exciting this year because I was able to spend Thanksgiving dinner in Tuscaloosa with Tim for my first full weekend of Auburn and Alabama tailgating. All I can say is we had a blast and what made it even better for me was AUBURN BEAT Alabama...doesn't get much better than that.

Nothing starts the month of December off better than the Morris Christmas Parade and a SEC Champsonship win for Auburn..WAR EAGLE!!!
We also went to my sister's church to watch Madison's Christmas program "Back To The Manager"
And here we are up to date on what's been going on in our lives...tomorrow is a Mommie and Kason day with his school Christmas party and then off to the McWane Center with April and the boys. It's also the weekend of our annual Family Girl's Bake Day on Saturday then I'm heading to Huntsville for my first NFL Titians football game on Sunday.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Love you all!!
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