Well since the surprise trip is over and we are back home I can finally blog about it. Of course most of you that see my facebook post know by now Me and Tim went to San Antonio for a couple of days. It was a birthday trip for Tim as well as a surprise visit to one of his buddies that use to live in Huntsville.
Thursday of course was Tim's 41st Birthday!!!! He came down from Huntsville on Wednesday, played a little golf then we went to Outback for a early birthday dinner. I also went ahead and gave him his birthday present which was a signed autograph Mark Ingram jersey.

Ever since I have known him all he has said is that he wished he would have gotten an autograph jersey by Mark Ingram. Not only is he the only Heisman Trophy Winner for the University of Alabama but he was also part of the 2009 National Championship team. So I set out to see if it was something I could make happen...I googled and googled but really found nothing that I really like and was worried it might not be authentic. I came across a website called
FamousInk.com and saw where Mark Ingram would be at Parkway Place Mall in Huntsville and that you could actually mail the item to them and he would sign and return. I thought perfect, of course when I started looking for a 22 Jersey they were all sold out. So on a Monday I ordered and had sent next day from
RollTide.com a 22 Jersey. Tuesday evening comes around and the jersey still hasn't arrived. Finally around 8 I decided to track the package and see that it had been delivered on Tuesday around 2 pm even noted "carport" and that's when it hit me. The trash between my yard and the neighbors was my jersey. I ran outside and to my great fear was a ripped open package but no jersey. I of course knew at that point what had happened and went to the neighbors house to discuss the problem. Needless to say there big dog Lu had decided to open the package for me and in front of my eyes was a muddy 22 Jersey. I truly wanted to cry because I knew that jersey had to be in Huntsville by Friday. They offered to pay for it but I wanted to see if I could get it clean first since it wasn't actually torn before I had a complete melt down. Thank God the jersey came clean and was shipped out Thursday for it's autograph signing on Friday. The jersey arrived back safely and I had it framed in a shadow box at Hobby Lobby. Have you ever bought someone something you knew they were just going to love and the excitement of giving it to him was high for me. He of course loved it and I know it will look great when he finally gets started on his home office.
Thursday morning we woke up and thanks to my daddy for taking us to the airport

headed for a 10:40 flight to Dallas then on to San Antonio

where Amanda (Bruce's girlfriend) picked us up. Amanda still reassured Tim that Bruce had no idea that we where here and that he would be surprised. Our plan was to meet Bruce at Josephine Street Cafe at 5 for what he thought was dinner for the 2 of them. Bruce got there early so Amanda sent him out for a "female run" so the surprise wouldn't be ruined.

Finally after Bruce made it back he was greatly surprised to see us there. We enjoyed a nice dinner at

Josephine Street Cafe were a 500 year old tree makes its home inside in the middle of the restaurant.

Tim couldn't wait to get outside and "ICE" Bruce.

Have you heard of "Icing"? I decided to do a little research and this is what I found. Icing is a trend among frat boys, hipsters or really just anyone missing a chromosome. Made popular by the site BrosIcingBros.com. Icing is a drinking game for bros where the point is to make other bros drink Smirnoff Ice "against their will, at ridiculously inopportune times."

This is just something that all of their guy friends have done to each other over the years and so Tim couldn't welcome Bruce any other way.
We then headed downtown to the

made a stop into Coyote Ugly

then finished the night out at a dueling piano bar called Howl At The Moon.

Friday morning the boys had a 9:30 tee time at Silverhorn Golf Club while Me and Amanda just hung out around the house. She had to go babysit her cousin's little girl that afternoon so I piled up on the couch and watch American Idol before heading to the golf course to pick up the boys. Did I mention I got to drive Bruce's convertible mustang ???

of course I had to take the top off and enjoy the beautiful San Antonio air. I told Tim that convertible he has been wanting to buy me ;) is sounding a lot better now..lol
Picked the boys up and headed to Hooters for a afternoon snack and who could leave Hooters without letting them know I had to birthday boys with me.

Had to get a picture of Tim in his $160 jeans. I can't really say to much because he bought me a pair of jeans to :)

That night we got FREE tickets to the Spurs vs Miami Heat basketball game where the Spurs killed them 125-95. We had a lot of fun even though we were 2 rows from the ceiling in the upper deck.

Saturday was Bruce's 41st birthday and the original plan was to go play paintball but no one was really up for it, so much of the day was spent recouping (LITERALLY) from pulling 2 late nights. We had a late lunch at Dickey's Barbecue Pit and then went to the Palladium to watch The Adjustment Bureau which is the new Matt Damon movie. If anyone has ever been to the Monaco on Bridge Street in Huntsville this movie theater is even nicer. Afterwards we all headed home, put pj's on and hung out at the house for the rest of the night.
Sunday was go home day but not before one last visit to River Walk and The Alamo.

This past weekend was the 175th Anniversary of The Battle of the Alamo so they had some extra festive going on.
We walked through River Walk during the day being true sight seers

This of course made my day...CVS in the middle of River Walk

ate real Mexican food at

stopped by the shops at Quarry Market

and then Bruce took us back to the airport.

After it was all said and done we arrived in Birmingham at 8pm and headed home to Morris.
Yesterday I got bug back from an extended stay with his daddy and I couldn't give him enough kisses. We talked about Disney all the way home and you could see his little brain just thinking about it all. To see the excitement on his face truly makes me happy. Busy evening though, I unpacked to repack, played basketball, watch some cartoons, got stuff finished for Kids Market, bath time and story time and still managed to complete Kason's daycare registration paperwork before calling it a night.
Nothing really exciting happening for the next 2 days other than packing for Disney. Thursday I have to take all of our luggage to my sisters house since they are driving down Friday morning and me and Kason will head to Huntsville and fly out on Saturday for DISNEY!!!