Can't believe another year has come and gone. I am blessed and grateful for another wonderful healthy year with my little man, my awesome family and friends, new and old. Every memory I made this year whether good or bad has made me the person I am to this date. I am very grateful for all the people that once was in my life and the ones that have stayed around for the ride
As we count down to the New Year remember both your triumphs and your missteps, your promises made and broken. The times you opened yourself up to great adventures or closed yourself down, for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about: getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about 'what if' and start embracing what would be. So when that ball drops at midnight let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long.
I will gladly be opening 2012 with open arms and I look forward to what this year has in store for me and Kason
Love You All
Let It Snow

The Month of Love

Everything Bigger in TEXAS

Where Dreams Really Do Come True

April Showers

Bring MAY Flowers

Fun In The Sun...I turned 32

Good Morning Mr. Fourth of July

To Infinity and Beyond...somebody turned 4

Are You Ready For Some Football

Happy Fall Y'all

So Much To Be Thankful For

Tis The Season To Be Merry