Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tonight at Counseling

Well tonight at counseling I was faced with alot of realization. Some of you may know and some probably don't know that me, Dennis and his new soon to be wife got into it Monday night. I'm not going to go into detail because it is really not important. However I have learned from it and I plan to use it as a growing tool. I let them and the devil get underneath my skin and they won the battle. This is something I can't let happen again. I know that dealing with a new wife is going to be a struggle for me especially because Kason is in the picture but I know it is something I have no control over and its something I can't change and at the end of the day Kason is our child (me & Dennis) and that is something I will not let the devil take away or put thoughts in my head anymore. I will always and forever be Kason's mother. My counselor said I have to treat Dennis and the new soon to be wife as a business relationship and that is it. We also learned about forgiveness tonight and that is something I have to do or God will not forgive me of my sins. I need to pray that God will give me a different kind of love for Dennis which is something that is very difficult to understand because I think to myself why should I have to love someone that has hurt me so bad. It makes me think about all the times I hurt Christ by sinning but he loves me and forgives me everytime that is why he died on the cross for me and you. I can't let bitterness eat me up anymore because anger literally begins to rot you out on the inside. Hebrews 12:15 says See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. I refuse to let the devil, Dennis and his new soon to be wife take away my joy and my future that I have with Kason. I have to stop being selfish and realize that there is alittle boy that needs me more than he needs anyone and I can't afford and will not let Kason down. We also talked about 2 Corinthians 10:5 which says Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. This tell me that when a negative thought appears in my mind if it is not obedient to Christ I should catch it and replace it with something Christ like. Everyone know that when we face trials in our lives it is not always easy to think positive but we all know that the trails we face are just a test from God to see if we are going to stand our ground and trust in him or turn away and I want to past God's test because I can't afford for Jesus Christ not to be the center of my life.

As I have said many of time please just continue to keep me in your prayers this is something I struggle with daily and I ask that you lift me up in prayer every chance you get.

love you all


Crystal said...

Your words are so sincere. You are definitely in my prayers. You be the better person in this whole thing, and watch it unfold and you'll be on top. God will always take care of you.

Ephesians 4.26 - Be angry, and sin not

Chris, Nichole & Colby! said...

Hey Angela,
It has been so long since I have seen you. Kason is so cute, he looks so much like his mommy..I am really sorry to hear about the way things are going right now for you and your little man. Chris & I will keep you in our prayers.
Love, Nichole :)

Unknown said...

Hey Angela,
It sounds like the counseling is going really well. I cannot begin to imagine what you must be feeling or going through but how awesome that we have a Savior who loves us and will fill those empty voids in our life. I will pray God gives you the strength you need to deal Dennis and his new wife. In our flesh that cannot be something that is easy to deal with. The scriptures yall used last night are awesome - very meaningful for your circumstances. Kason is blessed to have you as his mother. If you need to talk - I am here!
Love, Kim

facingthetrend said...

I know we weren't really pals in high school or anything, but I've been thinking about you a lot and decided to visit your blog when I noticed that you were leaving MySpace. I truly hope that everything works out for you. You're so blessed to have such a fun little boy, and like you said, no one can take that away from you. Your counselor sounds like a wise, wise person.

Hoping that things get better, as I know they will!

Deborah A.

Chad said...

Hey there! I know we don't know each other although I think we both worked at ProAssurance. I linked on to your blog from my sister's blog and wanted you to know it touched my heart. I don't want to give any words of advice, because I have no idea what you are going through, but I did want you to know that a prayer was just lifted up on your behalf from someone you don't even really know. I know that is what helped my wife and I make it through when our daughter died last year. Just know that there are those of us out there that care even though you might not know them personally.