Well even though I'm glad we had a safe trip home I really wish we were still at the beach. Well like my niece said all week we had a AWESOME time. Going to the beach is definitely different when you have a baby with you. Its not all about laying out like it has been in the past. A normal day for me at the beach is staying out in the sun all day without getting to much sand on me...not so much the case this year. I would lay out and Kason would climb on me from head to toe. We both had sand all over us and in places I didn't even know you could get sand....but if him climbing all over me was the worst I had to deal with then I was happy. Another thing that alittle different from my last trip which was just in June was I didn't get hit on by one guy...I guess something about a 10mth old screaming mama all the time must not attract to many guys my age. Oh well I'm a package deal you don't get me without Kason. We actually all thought it was pretty funny. He really did well at the beach..he wasn't really for sure about the sand on his feet but didn't mind it in his mouth. A couple of times when the water was nice we would just sit along the beach and let the water run up on us...he seemed to really enjoy it. He would go in at lunch time and take a 4 hour nap because he was so tried from all the fun in the sun. Let me just say not only will Monday be reality for me but for Kason also because he will no longer get 10 am chocolate chip cookie breaks and bed time is back to 8 pm. We took the kids Tuesday and Friday night to the little amusement park across the street. Kason was only able to ride the train but loved watching all the lights on the other rides. Afterwards we would go to our normal place for a ice cream break which was something else Kason found yummy. We had alot of really good food and tried alot of the newer places at Pier Park to eat.
New Things about Kason:
He took a few steps by himself this week and has also learned how to say Hi by put his hand up. He loves to patty cake but hasn't learned how to roll it up yet...but he has the clapping and the throw it in the pan part just right. He really loves to throw his hands from side to side when you ask him to dance for you. Also I don't know if its just a boy thing or my child but my lord he is into everything and he is a nosey little boy.
It was a great joy being about to spend the week with Kason and not have to send him to daycare. I'm really glad I was able to be with Kason for his first of many beach trips.
Over the next couple of days I will post pictures and videos from the trip. Hope you guys enjoy!

Those are great pictures. Will see you soon. - Jonathan
Pictures are great! Glad to hear you had a good time!
It definitely is different when you have children
I love the pictures, they are all so cute! Looks like Kason enjoyed his first beach trip!!
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