Saturday started at 7 am because Kason was sooooo ready to get up. We stayed in the house all day Saturday because once again it was to cold to do anything else. I however got alot accomplished at the house as far as cleaning house, washing clothes and I even took down all the blinds in the house and washed them. I know I should have waited until Spring time but it was driving me crazy so I figured why not.
Sunday was church and I thought it was just going to be me and Kason because Shaun got called into work around 12:30 am Sunday morning and didn't get to the house until 10 am just enough time to get a quick shower and head to church. If it would have been me I would have just crawled right into my bed. Afterwards we went to his mom and dad's for alittle while then headed back to my house so we could all take a nap. After nap I took Kason over to his Aunt Leslie for the night and I made a quick trip to Walmart. By the time I got back Shaun was up and ready to go. So we decided to go to Robert's house for game night. It's not something I get to do very often on Sunday nights anymore so when I don't have Kason I try to make it over there.
Monday (my holiday) started out at 4:30 am. I had to take Shaun to have his last epidural block and we had to be in Pelham at 6:15 am. So much for sleeping in on my only day off for awhile. Afterwards we went to breakfast at a place called Scott's in Birmingham and then headed to Walmart for some items he needed to pick up. Finally around 11:00 am I was back home and went straight to my bed. I was able to get about a 2 hour nap before we had to meet my mom at Summit Landscaping (in the freezing cold) to pick out plants. I went to go get Kason after he woke up from nap then came back home to get dinner ready for 7 people. Mackenzie had called while we were out and wanted to come to the house and drive her car, Mackayla found out we were grilling and wanted to come and bring a possible boyfriend for her dad to meet and I think Mikah just came because he likes to eat. Ofcourse Kason loves all the extra attention he gets when everyone is there so he kept everyone entertained. Finally dinner was ready and everyone seemed happy. After dinner everyone hung out for awhile, we got everything cleaned up, I got Kason to bed and then I wasn't to far behind him.
And well today is Tuesday and ofcourse it's back to work. Shaun went to workout in Trussville this morning so he came by and took Kason to daycare for me and he will get him this evening because I am taking dinner to my friend's Anthony and April who just welcomed a new baby, Landon Brent Cain, on January 11th. I know how hard this time is for them and when I had Kason people brought us dinner for almost a month and it was so very helpful.
The rest of the week is nothing really exciting atleast I don't think and the only thing so far I can think of for the weekend is my cousin's little boy, Zac's birthday party on Saturday.
Hopefully everyone had a great weekend and was able to be off yesterday.
Kason loves playing with the computer and he just want keep his hands off of it.

I love this face...he knows he has been caught AGAIN.

He just loves music and will dance everytime he hears it.
Also listen for him to say PaPaw...sometimes I think that is the only word other
than ball that he knows.
Notice Booty Shaking...
Dressed for Church...when he gets older he will kill me for the hat.

Kason's got moves for sure!
I love the hat!! He is such a precious boy!! How do you make the collage of pictures??
He get's his moves from his
For some reason I did not see you had updated your blog...sounds like a good weekend and was too cold to be out and about. Kason is too cute and I love the hat!!
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