Bubbles and Cookie Face

Saturday morning Kason actually slept kind of late..8:15 am which was nice. I made the mistake of giving Kason a Elmo video to watch and let me just say we have watched that video 5 time through out the whole weekend...did I mention it is a hour long. We played around the house until it was time to leave for Parker's 1st Birthday party. As you can see Parker enjoyed his cake and had alot of friends and family that came to celebrate with him.
Happy Birthday Parker!!!!

After the birthday party Shaun dropped me off by my sister and him and Kason headed home. I should mention Shaun got talked into 2 more times watching Elmo's World before he finally took at nap. Me and my sister spent the afternoon at Cottontails and had a great time. Afterwards I came home and cut the grass...YES I cut the grass. Shaun said he would cut it but it is something that I really enjoy doing. The rest of the evening was mostly spent hanging out at the house.
Sunday ofcourse was church...and let me just say at GFBC there wasn't a dry eye found. It first started off with a lady giving her testimony regarding the death of her husband and how see is a "overcomer" with the help of Christ...then it ended with the Cardboard testimonies. This isn't the one from GFBC but it is nice to watch over and over again to see what God can do in anyone's life if you will just allow him. Let me just say it was a very moving service and I thought for a moment it might get Penticostal but I had to remember it is still a Baptist church. :)
Afterwards we went to The Dooley's for our Sunday lunch..then Kason and Shaun headed home for a nap and I went shopping to get Mackenzie's bedspread. I am very happy with the results so far and I hope she likes it as well.

Kason hanging out at the house...

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!! Also please continue to keep my dad in your prayers my mom had to take him back the emergency room Saturday night due to heaviness in his chest. The cardiologist said it was due to the 2 new stints he had put in and that it should go away.
I am so glad you 3 got to come to the party. I hated that I didn't get to really talk to you, but I hope you had a great time!
I love the bed spread!!
Have a great week!
The bedroom is looking great! Hope your dad is doing better. Praying for them.
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