Thursday, April 30, 2009

This Time Next Month

I will be getting married...WOW

There alot of things that I am learning in my new relationship...

Here are a few...

1 - Quality Time is way more important than folding clothes (I know some people are thinking that shouldn't be hard..but for me to let thing remain undone is HUGE) I'm still working on this!!!

2 - Talking about how each others day went even if I don't care what happens when electrical currents are touched together is important.

3 - Some guys are emotional and actually do cry.

4 - Keeping each other accountable for our actions is very important. As Shaun said to me the other day.."Angela have you thought about praying about it". Not what I wanted to hear at the time.

5 - These 2 are crazy but I enjoy the car door being opened for me and I love the fact that Shaun likes to cook with me. He comes up with crazy things to cook but so far there have only been a few items that I didn't like.

I am fully aware that these things are not the most important factors that make a marriage work but they are still very important and shouldn't be forgotten.

We are very excited about what the future holds for us and our kids. We both know it want be easy at times as no marriage is but it is one that we are both going to work very hard at. Like I have told him before I just need to know that no matter what you will fight for us and our marriage and he should expect the same out of me. We know that if we keep God in both of our lives then he will see us through till the end. As the church sign says God never said it would be smooth sailing but he would provide a safe landing. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we start our new family together.

Totally changing the subject...We finally got Mackenzie a car on Tuesday. I have really felt like over the past couple of weeks that I should be driving a mini van because I had to drop her off at her Nanny's for school and take Kason to daycare. Ofcourse Shaun told her this is the last car he is one she will have to figure it out on her own. Its a shame I can't get Kason in and out of the backseat better are this would have been mine and she would have gotten my car.

2000 Honda Accord EX V6 Coupe

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some Battles Are Not Worth Fighting

Kason came to me last night before bed with his Crocs and kept saying "Shoes Mommie" so I let him put them on while he was watching big deal right???? Well he had a melt down when it came time to go to bed and the Crocs needed to come off. I decided instead of fighting the battle if he wanted to sleep in the stupid shoes let him. I thought for sure when I went back to check on him before I went to sleep they would be off but as you can see by the pictures NOPE they were still on. I ofcourse took them off at this point.

Kason driving the truck...

Monday, April 27, 2009

It's Monday Already????

Well we made it through Friday's surgery but it was a wild day. Kason never does well with anesthesia and I quote the nurse who brought him to me after surgery "He is moving around like a wild octopus". He was so disoriented that he just cries and cries and cries. They finally had to give him liquid lortab to settle him down. They wanted us to drink so much fluid before we could leave and I knew that wasn't going to happen. I tried and tried for 2 hours along with his daddy and we couldn't get him to do anything. Finally my mom got him to eat a few Cheerios but still nothing to drink. Not even a popsicle. They let me go home anyways because I explain to them he isn't going to drink until he gets some sleep. We made it home around 11 and he napped until 1:30pm still I couldn't get him to drink anything and he was ill as a hornet. I had to syringe apple juice in his mouth just to get him to drink so he wouldn't get dehydrated and he wasn't very happy with me. I finally made him lay back down around 2:30 and he slept until 4:00 and when he woke up it was like a different child. He played and ran around the house like everything was just fine. Go figure..I guess he just need more sleep and time to let the anesthesia wear off.

Pictures from Friday....

Saturday morning Kason was up bright and early at 6:30am. Doesn't he know its Saturday morning and he should be sleeping in??? Oh well I put Elmo in for awhile and he was one happy little boy. Our Saturday was spent at home working on house stuff. Between Shaun and Shawn working on the house, me watching Kason, cutting grass and planting flowers it was a very tiring day. That evening we ordered pizza and just hung out at the house.

Who knows what he is putting in his mouth???


Trying to show Shaun how to get things done...

Sunday morning Kason thought he was going to get up at 5:45 am but I made him lay back down and he slept till about 7:30 am. Shaun and Mikah headed out to Talladega for the day and me, Kason and Mackenzie went to church. Afterwards Dennis met me to get Kason because I had my cousins wedding shower. I was busy so I didn't get a chance to take pictures other than a few that was of the tables but she had a great time and received alot of really nice gifts. The rest of the evening was spent just hanging out at the house.

Hopefully I'm suppose to close on my refinance today at 3:30. The rest of the week we really don't have any set plans. Friday night is Mackenzie's Junior / Senior Prom at The Club. So hopefully I will get some really good pictures to share with you on Monday.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adenoids Out Tubes Back In

Tomorrow is the day Kason has tubes put back in both ears and his adenoids taken out. Please keep us in your prayers tomorrow.

He is his mommie made over..

Shaun & Kason

Never a dull moment...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Dooley Twin's are 17


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weekend Review!!!

Another exciting weekend in the Reno-Dooley household...

Friday night Shaun called after work and said lets go to the park with Kason. I'm thinking okay the park should be fun but his idea of the park and mine was very different. He meant the park as in the Civic Center walking track not the play park. Should I even say those are 2 totally different places. Anyways we ended up walking around the civic center for awhile and then made a stroll down main street. It was actually kind of fun because the weather was nice and Kason actual fell asleep. Afterwards we figured we had burnt some major calories that we would go to Sonic for a snack. YUMMIE!!!!

Saturday morning was nice because Kason slept till 9:45. I actually went in there to check on him just to make sure he was okay. Once we were up Me, Shaun and Kason headed to Lake Guntersville for Hayden Church of God's Annual Fishing Tournament. It was a great day to be outside and enjoying alittle time with family and friends. Once we got home from the lake we cooked hamburgers on the grill and hung out at the house.

Me and the little guy

Me and Shaun

He will just lay down on anything...

After a stroll ride with Shaun he was out like a light

Us Again

Daddy's Little Girls

Sunday morning Kason was up bright and early at 7:45 am. After breakfast and watching a morning full of cartoons and elmo it was time to head to church. We had just made it to Gardendale when my Aunt Robin called in alittle bit of a panic and said that Mom was in the ambulance with my dad and that he had passed out at church. So we dropped Kason off at Shaun's parents and we headed to Brookwood Hospital. In the meantime I talked to mom and she said that dad's vital signs were good and that they were not in a hurry. My dad decided that he was ready to teach Sunday School Sunday morning after have 5 Bypass Open Heart Surgery not even 3 weeks ago and not to mention he was on his feet the day before at the fishing tournament. Anyways, he started teaching standing up then decided he needed to sit down. He said he started sweating really bad and was feeling sick to his stomach so he figured he needed to step out for a few minutes. He said the only thing he remembers after that was walking down the right side of the wall. Luckily one of the boys went out with him when he got up and caught him when he passed out. Ofcourse the good think about Hayden Church of God is is full of nurses. They called the ambulance and off they went. Ofcourse by the time they got there all he was worried about was did someone count the Sunday school money. He kept saying I just got to hot. Anyways they decided to keep him over night to monitor him. Later that evening me and Shaun decided to take a short trip to Oak Mountain and play in the rain.

Yesterday ofcourse was a long day for my parents at the hospital because they did a neuro stress test and some other test. Everything came back okay and I think they finally made it home around 7pm. He goes for his 3 week checkup with his Cardiothoracic Surgeon today and Mom said they are going to put him on a heart monitor for a month so in case he has another spell it will show up on the monitor. Please just continue to keep my parents in your prayers.

Hopefully the rest of the week want be quite so eventful. I am in the process of refinancing my house so hopefully I will close of that tomorrow and then Friday morning Kason is having tubes put back in his ears and his adenoids taken out. Please keep him in your prayers on that day as well. Plans for the weekend are still up in the air. Really just depends on how Kason does after the surgery. I would love to go to Stadiumfest on Saturday and then I have my cousin Shelley's wedding shower Sunday at my moms.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend!!!

Well let's see...WOW what a busy weekend.

My weekend started off pretty early because my boss decided to let us off 1/2 a day on Friday. So before picking up the little one from his Granny's I decided to get a few things done. After tanning and running by Hancock Fabrics for Mackenzie I went by Lowes to pick up a few flowers I wanted to go ahead and get planted. Once Mackenzie got home from school we took my rental car back and went and picked up the little one. I told Mackenzie she could take my car for the night since I thought I would have her daddy but I soon found out that he would be working storm damage so I was home alone with no car. Oh well it gave me and Kason alot of quality time together. I decided to cook pork chops on the grill for me and him and we had alittle picnic on the back porch while he played in the mud all night. Notice the pictures below he is trying to climb the fence because he threw his ball in the neighbors yard. I promise this boy isn't afraid of anything. Also no drinking of mud water this time but he did however decide to sit in it and play. Even though it was a mess to clean up we had a great time together!!!!

Shaun didn't get home until around 1:45 am Saturday morning and Mackayla decided to spend the night at my house as well.

Saturday morning after breakfast we loaded up somethings that needed to go to the dump and then afterwards headed to Shaw's and Lowes. We worked outside most of the day...either in the yard or on the house.

I did however manage to get my Easter cupcakes made and I was so pleased at how well they turned out.

Sunday morning we were up and ready to see what the Easter Bunny had brought Kason...
I would say by his face he was pretty happy with his basket of treats.

I fixed muffins for everyone for breakfast and then it was time to get ready for church. After a great service of celebrating our Risen Saviour we head to my parents for lunch and our annual Easter egg hunt with my family.

Trying to get Kason to be still for a picture was a difficult thing for me yesterday. He looks like such a little man though. He had a great time running around outside yesterday.

Easter Egg Hunt...Kason found the $5.00 egg

Needless to say Kason didn't get a nap yesterday so when we left my parents house around 6 he fell asleep..when I had to wake him up when we were home he was not happy at all. So I put him in his PJs and he went right to sleep until this morning and I still had to wake him up at 7 for daycare.

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend with Family and Friends!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Adenoids Out Tubes Back In

Well we went back for our ENT checkup yesterday and we got good news and bad news. The good news is the hole where the tube was in the right ear has grown up the bad news is it has fluid behind it now. The left ear looked great and Dr. Bragg said the tube has came out. We just got off 10 days of antibiotics and now we are on another round to get the fluid off the ear and then on April 24 we will have tubes put back in both ears and adenoids taken out.

Kason at the ENT

Always trying to get into something

Elmo had to have his picture made as well.

I hope everyone has a GREAT Easter with family and friends. It's very important that not only at this time of year but everyday we remember the true meaning of Easter and what Christ did for us this weekend. Without him we wouldn't have the chance to live the life we live and have the opportunity to one day meet him in heaven. It was a big sacrifice for one man to endure but his love is so great for all of us.

Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last.. Luke 23:46

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed...Isaiah 53:5

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men. The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.' Now I have told you."
So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. "Greetings," he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me." Matthew 28: 1-10