There alot of things that I am learning in my new relationship...
Here are a few...
1 - Quality Time is way more important than folding clothes (I know some people are thinking that shouldn't be hard..but for me to let thing remain undone is HUGE) I'm still working on this!!!
2 - Talking about how each others day went even if I don't care what happens when electrical currents are touched together is important.
3 - Some guys are emotional and actually do cry.
4 - Keeping each other accountable for our actions is very important. As Shaun said to me the other day.."Angela have you thought about praying about it". Not what I wanted to hear at the time.
5 - These 2 are crazy but I enjoy the car door being opened for me and I love the fact that Shaun likes to cook with me. He comes up with crazy things to cook but so far there have only been a few items that I didn't like.
I am fully aware that these things are not the most important factors that make a marriage work but they are still very important and shouldn't be forgotten.
We are very excited about what the future holds for us and our kids. We both know it want be easy at times as no marriage is but it is one that we are both going to work very hard at. Like I have told him before I just need to know that no matter what you will fight for us and our marriage and he should expect the same out of me. We know that if we keep God in both of our lives then he will see us through till the end. As the church sign says God never said it would be smooth sailing but he would provide a safe landing. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we start our new family together.
Totally changing the subject...We finally got Mackenzie a car on Tuesday. I have really felt like over the past couple of weeks that I should be driving a mini van because I had to drop her off at her Nanny's for school and take Kason to daycare. Ofcourse Shaun told her this is the last car he is one she will have to figure it out on her own. Its a shame I can't get Kason in and out of the backseat better are this would have been mine and she would have gotten my car.
2000 Honda Accord EX V6 Coupe

1 comment:
congratulations on your upcoming wedding! i will keep yall in my prayers as you begin a new chapter in your lives together.
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