Saturday morning started over early around 8:30 am and didn't end till about 5:00 pm. We worked in and around the yard and house all day long. It was a hot day but we got so much accomplished. We worked on the yard (front and back), finally the roof issue is fixed all we have to do is paint the repair part, worked on the flower beds, and even completely took the shed down, built a floor for it and put it all back together and organized. Like I said me and Shaun worked our little booties off Saturday. Finally we left to go get Kason from my mom and dads. He told me they went swimming and could tell me the sounds a lion, frog, bird, dog and cats makes. It's the cutest thing and I will have to video so I can show you. I was glad to have him back home with me Saturday night even though I was tired from working in the yard all day we stayed outside and played in his clubhouse till almost 9 pm.
Saturday Night..

Sunday ofcourse was church and we also went back to the Sunday School class that we visited last Sunday. I think it is going to be our new home on Sunday mornings. We both really enjoy it and I think it will be great for us because we will be able to make friends with people our age that have kids Kason's age. I'm so excited about it. Afterwards we went to Nanny and Poppy's house (Shaun's parents) for lunch and so they could see Kason. He really enjoys being around them and Shaun's dad just loves playing with Kason. Sunday evening was filled with a nap and while I went to the funeral home (my church growing up.. pastors mother died) Shaun stayed home with Kason and had some play time. I think they mostly just played in the clubhouse and in the rain.
Sunday Evening...

This week is only a 4 day work week thanks to the 4th of July holiday. Kason has to go to his dad's this weekend which makes me sad because he want be celebrating with me at the pool but regardless to what everyone else thinks I'm doing the right thing..I hope??? Please continue to pray for me regarding this whole situation between me and Dennis. I know the future is going to be filled with questions from Kason and I just don't know how I'm going to handle it because I don't want to see my little boy hurt. I told his dad this morning it's times like this I want to put my hands around his throat.
I hope everyone had a great weekend and I'm sure everyone is ready for the extra day off. YEAH!!!!
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