The party theme was animals...GIRAFFES, TIGERS, MONKEYS and ELEPHANTS

Friday night we were suppose to take the kids to Boo at the Zoo but due to mother nature that didn't happen. We met up with my sister and parents at Chick fil A for dinner then took the kids over to K-mart for some Halloween activities. All I can say about that trip is WOW WOW WOW. We saw all types of people.

Saturday ofcourse was Halloween. Me and Kason spent the day hanging out at the house while Shaun worked on a side job. Later on that night we headed out for some Halloween fun. First stop was Granny Linda's, then Me-Me's and a quick stop by Nanny and Poppy's before heading to my parents church for there annual fall festival. Kason had alot of fun and alot of sugar. Later that night we met up with his dad so Kason could spend the rest of the night with him.
Mommie's Little Lion...I figure this will be my last year for a zip up costume I'm sure next year he will be a super hero or something.

Kason got alot of goodies

Fed him just enough sugar before passing him off to daddy!!

Sunday ofcourse was church and it was nice to finally get back. Between Kason being sick and house problems we haven't been to church alot this month so getting back to our Sunday School class was nice. After church we went to Nanny and Poppy's for Sunday lunch then headed home. I hung out at the house doing odd and end things before Kason came home. Not really for sure what the beginning of the week holds. Thursday is our family girl trip to Christmas Village...YIPPIE!!!! Friday I'm heading to Auburn for the weekend with my Aunt Robin to spend time with my cousin Shelley while Kason spends the weekend with his daddy.
Kason loves playing in Shaun's boots

1 comment:
Rooks like playing in my shoes. What does that say, hopefully nothing! haha
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