I just can't hardly believe that Dakota is going to be put to sleep in the morning. I know she is just a dog but she was apart of mine and
Dennis's life while we were married. I will never forget the weekend we found her ad in the Birmingham News Mother's Day weekend 2001. I tried to talk Dennis out of getting her but he was set that we were bring her home and we did. I named her Dakota because I always wanted a little girl by that name and so we agreed. When I would get upset with her I would call her Dakota Ann, why I have no idea I think it just shouldn't good together...
lol She has always been a really great dog and to be honest when Dennis started doing
alot of traveling with his job she kept me company. We spent many of weekends laying on the couch watching a movie and eating popcorn together. I will also never forget the weekend Dennis brought home Gizmo because Dakota was not a very happy camper about a new puppy invading her space. In fact the first night we had Gizmo, Dakota stepped on Gizmo's leg and we thought for sure she had broken it. I worried that they would never get alone and everyone said it would just take time but now I wonder how Gizmo will be without his big friend. It was so very hard to let her go tonight as I had to say goodbye. I love you sweet baby girl!!!

And I remember that time that you and Dennis were gone and I had to come by your house and Dakota Stared me down and threw up on the floor because she knew I did not like dogs...she gave me the "I'll show you look"
that is sad, although I am not an animal lover, I do hate that she will be gone...
Don't apologize: pets are never "just" a dog or "just" a cat; they are our family members, and it's so difficult to say good-bye to them. They love us unconditionally; they don't care how we look or how we speak, and they pass no judgments. I've had to say goodbye to many beloved pets over the years, and it is never an easy thing.
Thinking of you.
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