This weekend my cousin Shelley and her husband Allen graduated from Auburn both with Degrees in Science and we couldn't be prouder. They are now working during the summer for a man who owns one of many different types of farms in AU and he was gracious enough to let my entire family stay in his lodge located on his turf farm. We all questioned it at first (sorry Shelley) because she is such a outside person and for her to be without power / water for awhile probably wouldn't bother her but my entire family on the other hand not so much :) and after driving down an unpaved, pot hole filled, full of mud road we ended up at our Home Away from Home for the weekend and I must say as you can see by the pictures below it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! Graduation of course was Graduation - long and boring!!!! That evening we all went to the Fisheries picnic area for BBQ and Celebrations. Saturday morning Shelley cooked us homemade biscuits, eggs, bacon and sausage before she took us for a tour of her surroundings. First stop was the garden that her and Allen have planted and will be tending to during the summer. Shelley is one of a kind and I must say she must really love what she does because it looked like a lot of really HOT and TIRING work to me. Afterwards she took us to the bee's she tends to and showed us just how those little bee's work their magic to product us such yummy honey...once again not something I would probably do but she seems so very happy. Final stop before heading home was to the fishery area which is where she worked during most of her schooling. We got to see all the catfish ponds that she has worked in (and when I mean "in" I mean physically in the water)as well as the fish market. Shelley and Allen seem so very happy with the way their lives have turned out so far and I wish them both the best of luck....And Happy 1 Year Anniversay today!!!

Home Away from Home

Random pics from the trip

Shelley the Beekeeper

Fisheries Area

Wednesday May 12th was mine and Shaun's court date for our divorce. I must say I wasn't truly prepared for this day nor was I aware of just how difficult it would be. I never thought in a million years I would be on divorce #2 and trust me it is a heavy load to carry at times. I'm not going to say I should have done this or if I didn't do this or if it would have been done like this then things would have been different because it's a divorce now. I know that in the end no matter how Shaun treated me, still treats me or what we continue to say about each other it was still a marriage to me that came with feelings that I struggle with everyday and I know no one can understand it either. I have no idea what the next chapter in my life brings and to be honest it scares the death out of me. I know everyone keeps telling me to seek God, put him first and he will see me through this but at times it is very hard and it doesn't take away the empty or anger feelings I have at times. I have never had such a hard time dealing with something in my life and it just seems like the last 2 years everything has been thrown in my face and I have absolutely no idea how to handle it. Please continue to pray that I will make the right decision and move forward from this point in my life.
Mother's Day Weekend was quite busy because it included my brother in law graduating from UAB and of course my sister being the party planner that she is had to throw him a party the Saturday evening of his graduation. Even though my sister planned the entire thing I must say I did I fine job of making sure it all came together in the ;) Sunday was Mother's Day and it's a tradition to go to my mom's church with her every Mother's day and so we did. Afterwards we all went to my mom's for lunch and to spend time as a family. Thank you God for giving me such a wonderful Mother that even though I have hurt her so many times she stills shows her love for me everyday and to my little bug who means more to me then life itself at times, I have no idea what the future holds for the both of us but I PROMISE to try and make better decision for the both of us. I love you Kason and thank you for calling me Mommie!!!
Me and Kason on Mommie's Day :)
I asked Kason that morning what did he think of mommy's new dress??? His response "Perfect"!!!

Steven's Graduation Party

This of course it just some random picture I took of Kason on his tricycle and after looking at these pictures I'm glad we went for a hair cut the next day....LORD!!!

The weekend of April 23-25th me, Lindsey D. and Lindsey C went to Woodstock, GA for the So Long, Insecurity Conference with Beth Moore. The highlight of her conference was describing what a secure woman looks like.
A Secure Woman Is:
Saved from Herself
Entitled to Truth
Clothed with Intention
Upended by Grace
Rebounded by Love
Exceptional in Life
The conference was great and Beth Moore is a fabulous speaker however I'm not sure right now I have truly learned anything from it but I'm trying. :)
Pictures from the Trip to ATL

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