Well let's see ....where should I begin. First off WAR EAGLE!!!!!! Friday was great only had to work 1/2 day so I was able to have alittle bit of free time and had lunch at Our Place. I just love there chicken salad and they close so early that I never get to eat there...so anytime I get off early that is where you can find me for lunch. That evening we went over to Shaun's house, ordered pizza and watched a movie. Saturday we decided to go ahead and cook out for the Labor Day holiday so it was mostly just a day of eating and hanging out by the pool and ofcourse that night it was FOOTBALL time. I think that's all the guys talked about and analyzed until kick off. We hung out with my family for awhile and watched the Alabama game then once Kason was asleep me and Shaun went to Robert and Amanda's house to watch the rest of the Auburn / Alabama game. Sunday we were up by 6 o'clock and headed to Nashville by 7 for alittle shopping. Kason hates long car rides but ofcourse he made me look like a crazy mom because he acted perfect all the way up there. He just ate his Jack's biscuit and took a nap. Let me just say I like going to Opry Mills Mall but wow how much shopping can you really do in a day?????? Finally around 3 we were done with the whole shopping thing. Saturday night Kason went back with Leslie and Me and Shaun went to the Wild Horse Saloon for dinner. I love country line dancing even if I don't know the dance I still will get out and try. I actually was able to get him out there a few times. We had a great time. Ofcourse later I find out from my sister that Kason had threw up in the car and was running a fever of 102.5. When I talked to her Monday morning she said he slept good and his fever was back down so he went ahead and spent the day with his Dad. Headed home from Nashville around 11 and then pretty much just hung out for the day. Needless to say Kason was up again last night around 11pm running a fever of 103.5 and crying so we have a doctor's appointment at 11:45. I just hope it's not a relapse of strep throat. I have alot to do today because I leave in the morning for a dental conference in Destin and I haven't packed a thing for me or Kason and plus I have to figure out who is going to keep him during the day if he is sick and can't go to daycare. Who said being a mom was easy????
Hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend!!!
Day at the Pool

Football Time

Kason & Madison

This is how the guys spent some of there time at the mall

Where is Kason???

there he is... Don't worry picture purpose only I didn't make him stay like this.

Me and Shaun at the Wild Horse Saloon
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