Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm Finally Back Home!!!

Wow it was a busy weekend but I got alot of things done thanks to alot of help from Shaun, Leslie, Steven and my Dad. What would I do without Family???? My dad said he wasn't moving me again for awhile so I better stay put.

Friday was alittle busy I actually was able to get off work around 2pm which was great because I was able to go ahead and get a load of stuff and take back to my house. When I got home Shaun had bought me a few things for the house, my favorite was my very own "Pink" tool bag and tools. I mean I can't build a house with them or anything but they will help with little things around the house. After unloading everything I had brought over from my moms house and Shaun got my new flood lights up we went to Chili's to grab and quick bite for dinner and then we headed to Walmart. I told Shaun he had no idea what he was getting himself into because I had to buy everything since I haven't lived there in 9 months, but $618.29 and 2 shopping carts later I think I got everything me and Kason might need.

Saturday morning started off around 7:30 am and work ended around 4 pm. We got alot done and I think I manage to get everything back in order. Every time I move it makes me realize how much stuff I have. Like I said I couldn't have done if without my sister, Steven, Daddy and Shaun. All I can say is it sure is nice to have someone in your life that knows how to do house stuff and actually enjoys it. Afterwards we headed to Doug and April for a cook out and to watch the AL/GA game. After the game we all decided to go to "HomeField" for alittle redneck fun. I can't imagine doing that every weekend again...I mean I can have fun with the best of them and act crazy because how else could you possible handle HomeField. I guess now as I look back on things I can't imagine really thinking you could possibly find someone to spend the rest of your life with at a bar much less HomeField. Anyways we had a great time hanging out with everyone.
1 day he will see the light and move over to the other side ;)

Random Pictures

My Room - I just love my new bedspread :)

Kason's Room

Sunday morning I decided to go to Gardendale First Baptist with Shaun. I think I have only been there 1 time many many years ago and WOW how it has changed. Kevin Hamm is a great preacher and he has started a 10 weeks series called 4 Better 4 Worse. Afterwards we went to Shaun's mom house to eat lunch then to Lowes which runs a close race with Walmart as being one of my favorite places to go. Later that evening Dennis brought Kason home and we just hung out at the house. Kason did really well last night and I'm so happy he is able to enjoy his room because I worked so very hard on getting it the way I wanted before he was born so it really makes me happy for him to be in it.

Not really for sure what the week holds other than work and finishing somethings at the house. Hope everyone had a great weekend...Happy Monday!!!


Unknown said...

So glad you got back into your house. I bet Kason loves his room!! I like your new bedspread!!

Oh and Roll Tide! :-)

Tim, Rachel & kids said...

I am so happy you are back into your house. Your room is beautiful- I am jealous! :)