First I will give you a update on Kason. I wish I had good news and could tell you that the new medication is working but nope we are still vomiting. I talked with Dr. Morris on Tuesday and I expressed my concerns and I want to make sure we are not missing something. Dr. Morris has decided to schedule Kason for a Endoscopy which will be October 8. They will have to put him to sleep because they will run a tube down his throat and take biopsies from the lining of his stomach. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as well as myself. He has been through alot in the last month and I'm just ready for them to figure out what is wrong so hopefully I can get him back to the happy little boy he normally is.
As far as us being in our house again it has been great but different. Mostly because it is just me and Kason now and I do miss my parents. I still feel like I have made a good decision with the move and I know it will just take time. It doesn't really seemed to have effected Kason but right now with the way he feels I wouldn't know anyways.
Now about me...I decided about a month ago to go have my cholesterol check and just do a over all physical. I will be the BIG 30 in June and I know everything will probably start falling apart so I better get a handle on it now. :) Anyways I should get the results from my cholesterol test tomorrow and I know it is going to be high...I have a history of high cholesterol and it runs in my family so I'm just waiting on the numbers. In the meantime my blood pressure was a little high yesterday, which could explain the random headaches I have been having and plus the last 10 months haven't been the easiest for me. I guess this to will be something I will have to keep a eye on.
As far as the weekend goes, We are going to try and make it to Shaun's daughter's football game tomorrow night. Mackenzie is a cheerleader for Tabernacle. Saturday will be a fun day because this is the weekend we always go to the Fall Festival with my sister and Madison at Bryan Elementary where my mom teaches at. Sunday Kason is suppose to go to his dad's so I'm not really for sure what I will do with myself. I really wouldn't mind going to Homestead Hollow since I have never been before...who knows!!!
Hope everyone has had a great week so far and I know everyone is excited about the weekend!!!
Random Pictures From The Week!!!

Hey Angela,
I was actually working on Kason's drawing last night when I got your Facebook message and will get a scan of it to you this weekend. :)
I hope Kason starts feeling better. It must be so sad to see him ill all the time.
I really hope Kason starts feeling better soon and they can find out what is causing it. It is never fun when they are sick!!
Glad to hear everything is going good at home. I know it must be a transition getting used to it just being you two!
Hope you have a good weekend!
I just wanted to let you know I am praying for Kason. I hope you can figure out what it is that is making him sick.... and hopefully it isn't anything serious. He looks so cute in his "Spidey-man" (as my son calls him!) pj's. Have a good weekend.
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