Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last Night of DivorceCare

Well last night was my final class for my Divorce Care group. I must say I was alittle sadden because I have grown so close with my counselor, Gail Breckenridge. When I started this class back in April I had no idea what was in store for me or how this would effect my life I just knew at the time I needed someone to talk to that had been through a divorce . God had a complete hand in me meeting her because she normally takes the summer off but decided she would do the class since I had called. I can't thank God enough for putting such a spiritual woman in my life. It has been a very difficult year for me and I know I still have alot of growing and changing to do myself but I really feel like I am in the right direction.

As I sat through class last night it was regarding the different levels of reconciliation. Reconciliation doesn't always have to be remarrying your former spouse. It can be a form of friendship or just being to work with each other for the kids. Of course reconciliation was not an option in my case because Dennis has since remarried but I pray that we reach the other forms of reconciliation especially for Kason's sake. As they mentioned last night divorcing your spouse doesn't get rid of them especially if you have children you will always be connected with that person you just have to learn to deal with the situation.

One thing that really scares me about new relationships or even remarrying is the thought that it seems like no one in America fights to save there marriage anymore. I want to know that the next person I marry would fight and do whatever it takes to save what God has put together. Marriage is supposed to be a lifetime commitment, a pledge to do whatever is necessary to keep the relationship together. If couples look at it as a job they can quit their marriage is headed for trouble. Spouses have to agree that keeping the marriage healthy is their top priority. Marriage takes time and energy. Both spouses should be as concerned with the welfare of each other as they are with themselves. Committed couples who deal with unexpected problems together actually strengthen their marital bonds.

Couples need to discuss their priorities and their expectations, and what they hope to achieve in the future. Even if they don’t always agree on the specifics of the new priorities, an open line of communication will facilitate a resolution as well as prevent unpleasant surprises.

Couples need to realize that marriage is their number one priority.

Sorry for getting on the soap box but as I come in contact with people in my life and hear them talk about their marriage and problems it just makes me frustrated to know that the one person you say you love, you are not willing to fight for them. It just doesn't make sense to me. Not being happy is no excuse for getting a divorce...you have to be happy with yourself first because no person can make you happy. No marriage is promised tomorrow that is why everyday you MUST work at keeping it together.

Please continue to keep me and Kason in your prayers as we journey through life together waiting on what God has planned for us.

1 comment:

Tim, Rachel & kids said...

I couldn't agree more! It amazes me the number of people (even Christians) getting divorces. I don't judge them because I am not God and I do not know what their life is really like, but I do think that you are right, not enough people are willing to fight for their marriage. Marriage is hard, and having a great marriage is even harder, but it is so worth it. Nothing is more awesome in this world than having someone you can completely trust and knows loves you thru it all.