I will first start off by saying Kason is feeling much better...He has been in such a playful mood since Saturday. I love to sit and watch him just play and talk to himself and me like I should know what he is saying. He just has the biggest smile when he is in a good mood and it brings a smile to my face.

Weekend Review....
Friday night Kason stayed with Nana and PaPaw so me and Shaun went to Tuscaloosa to watch the CFA Championship Game...Needless to say Tabernacle did not come away with the state championship this year. Did I mention how cold is was FRIDAY night to???? It was definitely football weather but I just haven't had to sit out in the cold in awhile.

Saturday, didn't start for me until around 10:30am...I must say this is one thing I miss about having a little one...SLEEPING LATE!!! I pretty much just hung around the house until Brayden's Birthday party. I was going to take Kason but I wasn't for sure if he was over the viral infection and I really didn't want to expose the other babies to a possible staph infection. I had a really good time at the Brayden's birthday party ofcourse not as much fun as he had eatting that birthday cake. He had alot of friends show up and got alot of pretty cool presents. Even though he was mostly interested in everything else but the presents. Afterwards I ran a few errans and then headed to Shaun's house to watch the rest of the Alabama game then to my mom's to pick up my little guy.
Happy First Birthday Brayden!!!!

Sunday, we went to church then over to Shaun's mom for lunch. After lunch it was time to head home for Kason's Sunday nap. My friends April and Anthony are expecting a little boy in January, Landon Brent Cain, so her baby shower was at 2pm and so I didn't have to wake Kason up Shaun stayed home with him until he woke up then they headed out to run some errans. After the baby shower we hung out at Shaun's house for awhile then headed home to get ready for another week.

We have a pretty busy week ahead of us. Kason has a recheck at the GI doctor tomorrow then he is staying with his Dad because I have to be at a meeting in Tuscaloosa Wednesday morning at 8am and Thursday night we are having pictures with Santa. I can't believe it is already Thanksgiving and Christmas time!!! YEAH YEAH!!!
I hope everyone had a great and safe weekend!!!
This is my note of madness for awhile...and Dennis I'm sure when you read this you will probably get mad but I want this off my chest. I don't even know why I would care because this is something you asked for but it really saddens me that your relationship with your child will probably not be any better than what you had and have with your own father. Kason and I are truly blessed to have other male figures in our lives (My Dad, Steven and now Shaun) and I really hope that you are not dissappointed when your own child doesn't see you as his father. This was definitely not the life I chose for myself or definitely not for Kason because family is so important to me but don't be surprised when he looks up to other males instead of you. I pray your child doesn't feel like you did about your own dad. I know how painful it was for you and the thoughts of my child feeling like that upsets me.
Sounds like you had a very busy weekend. I am so glad you got to come on Saturday. We missed seeing Kason but I am so glad to hear he is feeling much better!!
The pics you took from Brayden's birthday are precious!
I love the pictures and I am glad you have had such a great weekend but the last bit hit hard. I hope things will start to work out better for your son's sake. A father is such an important part of a kids life, even when they are so young. I will be praying for everything to work out.
Glad to hear Kason is feeling better. It sounds as if you must feel better also. I've never been in your shoes as a single mother, however, I have spent many years working with people in your shoes. In my opinion it seems to work out much better when the parents remain civil and try their best to be friends. I know that through God all things are possible! Pray for Dennis even when it is the last thing you want to do. He will always be Kason's birth father. It will be a shame if Dennis hasn't learned from his past relationship with his Dad. We are to learn from the past and try to do better. We don't have to be a repeat!
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