Around 11:45 I headed to meet my sister, mom and Aunt so we could spend the rest of the day at Christmas village. This is something we have been doing for the last couple of years all together. Normally my cousin, Amy and Grandmother goes but Amy couldn't get off work due to a temp job and my Grandmother well she really didn't have a good reason. We had a really great time and we actually bought alot of stuff this year.
Nana bought Kason's Christmas outfit as she does every year for the grand kids.

Afterwards we had to go to the funeral home. Please continue to keep the Worden family in your prayers. As I'm sure this is a very difficult time for this family.
Shaun picked Kason up from daycare yesterday since I was going to be at Christmas village and the funeral home. He wanted to spend the evening with him and take him to Chick-fil A to play on the inside playground. So as I was leaving the funeral home I called to check on them and he said that the daycare had sent a letter home regarding a place on his pelvic area that concerned them about staph infection. Of course I was alittle concerned when I saw it this morning but I thought maybe if I put some cream on it would get better. So I call the nurse and of course she said I probably need to take him to the After Hours Clinic on Acton Road. So I met Shaun in Gardendale and we all headed to the doctor for a 7:30 pm appointment. They are treating the area as a staph infection and have put him on Bactrim and I have to keep it covered with cream on it. I swear my son is going to have experienced everything by the time he is 5. The doctor told me right now it doesn't look serious but if it gets any worse or he starts running a fever I need to take him back in and plus I have to follow up with Dr. Walley next week. We will visit the doctor a total of 5 times this month. So finally at 8:40 pm we headed to get his prescription filled. We wanted to go to CVS in Fultondale so I could get my medicine to but of course they close at 9 pm so we didn't think we would make it. Luckily we pulled in right about 9pm and she let me come in and atleast get my medication. Then Shaun dropped me off at Chick-fil A to get my car and I headed to Walgreen's and he headed home with the baby. I finally made it home for the night and it wasn't to long before I went to bed. I was glad this day was finally coming to a end.
Kason seemed okay this morning ofcourse he is still ill and coughing alot but hopefully the Bactrim will help with that also. The place on his pelvic area looked about the same this morning and he wasn't running a fever. The doctor said as long as the area is covered then he could go to daycare. He is spending the night with his Nana and PaPaw tonight because they haven't really got to spend alot of time with him since we have moved out. Me and Shaun are going to Tabernalce's state game in Tuscaloosa tonight. I ofcourse will sleep late in the morning and then we are going to Brayden's 1st Birthday party. Not really for sure what the rest of the weekend holds but I'm hoping it only get better. It did make me happy to see a rainbow this morning!!! I hope everyone saw it.
I hope everyone has a great weekend..Happy FRIDAY and Happy 29th Birthday to my cousin Amy!!!!
Us with Kason at my sister's church fall festival...

Kason and Shaun on there play date last night at Chick-fil A

Kason playing last night at the doctor's office...

Bless your heart - you have had a rough week!! I bet you are tired of doctor's offices and all of the copays that go along with it!!!
I hope you all recoop soon and start feeling better! Kason's Christmas outfit is very cute!!
I promise it DOES get better! Hope you both feel better soon!
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