I never thought this time last year that my family would be soon torn apart by the works of the devil but that's what happens when you loose faith and don't trust in God and as the song says by Casting Crowns, its a slow fade.
I must say it has been a year of ups and downs for me but through it all I think I am in the process of becoming a better person. There are alot of things I have to still let go of but I know that is a process that just takes time.
Dennis, I really hope that you are truly happy with the decision you made. For your sake I hope you don't have to look back and think that you might have made the wrong decision. Like I have heard you say many of times... "Only God knows what happened".
I can't thank my parents enough for being there for us both during this very hard year. Their lives too changed very much when me and Kason moved back in but not once did they make us feel unwanted. I can't thank God enough for giving me a great set of Godly, Faith Believing, Stand on the word praying parents.
To my sister and Amy for letting me cry on their shoulder and being there for me through prayer or just a encouraging word. I must say my whole family and all of my friends have really helpd me through a process that in the beginning I didn't know how to handle.
Most of all I wish Kason knew how much he has been a huge joy in my life over this year and that every moment I spend with him is such a delight even when I feel like I am going to pull my hair out at times. It's moments like this

when he give you that really big smile or does his crazy little laugh..that I realize he is the main reason I live my life everyday and that he really was my saving grace.
Last but not least...God. I know without him this process would have been alot worse. There were alot of times I wondered WHY but I know by faith that God has a great plan for me and Kason and I just have to keep my faith in him. I know there have been times I probably have not made the right decision or maybe said the right things but that is why we die daily and I know that his forgiveness is waiting on me if I ask.
And Shaun thanks for just being you and for being apart of this crazy year with me. ;)
I have met alot of new people through this crazy journey in 2008 but they have help me along the way in many ways and have helped make me the person I am today.
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Years!!!!
With Lots of Love,
Angela & Kason