I was able to get off around 3pm on Friday so I went ahead and did the rest of my grocery shopping for our Christmas party on Saturday night. Friday night me, Shaun and Mikah went to Christway Christmas Program "His Promise". It was very good and was different then years past. I could say alot about how I felt Friday night as I sat through the program but I just don't think I'm ready to blog about it and I just ask that you continue to keep me in your prayers...Afterwards we headed back to the house and I did alittle cooking that needed to be done for Saturday.
Saturday morning I really didn't sleep in to late..8:30am. It's funny when you don't have your child for the weekend sometimes you can't sleep in but when he is at home I'm usually praying for an extra 30 minutes. Oh well I really didn't have time to sleep in anyways because I had alot of things to get done before our party at 6pm. I did alot of house cleaning and cooking and Shaun did alot around outside of the house ofcourse that is until he got called out for work at 3 pm. Somehow I knew this was going to happen and I hoping I would aleast know half the people that was coming to the party since I had no clue what time Shaun would get back. Everything turned out great and we had 9 people show up not including the 7 friends Mackenzie brought over. Ofcourse Shaun didn't get home from work until around 9 pm so I was stuck entertaining myself. Like I said lucky for me I knew everyone that came so I didn't mind it at all.
Sunday of course was church and it was #10 "What To Do Until You Say I Do!"(and the last) of his 4 Better 4 Worse Series. He gave 6 steps of instructions for singles based on Genesis 24: 1-21. 1) Slow Down! Hurried decision are normally the wrong decision and are a trick of the devil. 2) Pay Attention to your parents! They know you best. 3) Look in the right place! Church not a bar. 4) Allow God to provide for you! Make a list of what you want in a future mate. 5) Identify Integrity! Check out his family (apple doesn't fall far from the tree), Check out his friends and future. 6) Analyze their attitudes. He also gave us 4 Determining Questions: 1)The Bible Question..Can you biblically marry this person??? 2) The Blessing Question..Do both family bless this marriage?? 3) The Billfold Question...How are your finances?? 4) The Believer Question..Do not be yoked together with an unbeliever.
Did you know that 51% of all marriages fell those in and out of church??? Wow that is a crazy number but I guess since no one believes in trying to save a marriage these days and that it's just as easy to sign a piece of paper then I'm not really surprised. Its sad how accepting everyone is of divorces these days.
Okay enough rambling about that...After church we went to Shaun's mother's for lunch and then we headed to Wildcat Country to get my little angel... ;) Mom said he didn't take much of a nap (hour and half) so I thought I would try and make him lay down when we got home so he wouldn't be so tried that night...and to my surprise he laid right down and took about another hour nap. Then it was time for dinner then Me, Shaun and Kason went to Gardendale First Baptist Christmas Program. This was my first time going to there program and it was really good and really packed. It was about real life family problems. It was quite comical and I could have sworn my mom was in the program. You ofcourse would have had to be there but it was about her divorced daughters family problems and some of the things the grandmother said was like I was listing to my mom all over again. Me, Shaun, Doug and April found it quite comical and when I talked to my mom she said the same thing herself. She said when they started talking about divorce my dad punched her. It ofcourse didn't get over with till around 8:45 and I was so worried about how Kason was doing in the nursery but he was just playing when I went to get him. I went ahead and changed him in his PJ's before heading home. He went right to bed when we got home with no problems.
We have such busy weeks and weekends ahead of us...Tuesday night is my work party at Vestavia Country Club and Thursday night my mom is having the ladies from her church over to her house so we are going to go to that. Friday is Kason's Christmas party at daycare and I have my department Christmas party at Debbie's house. Friday night Kason has to go to his Dad's for the weekend and me and Shaun are doing dinner at The Stell's house. Saturday is the girl's 3rd Annual Bake Day at my Aunt Robin's house. This is something that I enjoy doing every year. It's a great time to spend with all the girls in my family...and let me just say that is one loud house on that day. Sunday night Kason is staying with my sister because she is off all week with Madison and they are going to spend the day together and she is going to bring Kason by to see me at work. Monday night me and Shaun have dinner for his work at Firebirds and then I'm going to try and be off the rest of the week to spend with Kason.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!
Playing In Baskets and Eating At His Table

1 comment:
I saw you come in at ChristWay but I didn't get to speak to you. Hope you and your family have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
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