My holiday weekend started around 12:30 pm on Wednesday because my boss called and said I could go home early...YEAH!!! and not to mention I got my Christmas bonus Wednesday too...double YEAH!!! I needed to make a stop by Walmart before heading home to pick up a few things and let me say Walmart + the day before Thanksgiving = NIGHTMARE!!! I did take the free time to finish decorating the outside of the house for Christmas then I got ready and headed to get Kason then to my MawMaw's for dinner and to decorate the Christmas tree. Kason seemed to have a great time and he enjoyed all the extra attention and ofcourse loved playing with all the ornaments especially all the BALLS!!!

Thanksgiving morning started around 6:50 am but lucky for me I put Kason in bed with me and he went back to sleep until 8:45 am. Then it was time to get up and start getting things together to go to my MawMaw's. We had a great day with the family and we ate alot of really good food. I just LOVE turkey and dressing. The weather was great outside so we were able to do alittle playing outside as well. Kason had to go to his Dad's at 2 so our day together was cut alittle short. The rest of the day was just spent hanging out with my family then me and Shaun headed home.

Friday morning I got up around 5:15 am and ran by JCPenny's and then headed to Lowe's when they opened at 6 am. I went for Mom and Shaun a shop vac but I picked up a few extra items while I was there. After a stop by Jack's for breakfast I went back home, wrapped my gifts then crawled back in bed for a nap. Around 10:30 am I got up and headed to Trussville to do alittle more shopping then to Walmart to buy groceries. I got alot accomplished before I had to head home to get Kason by 3 pm. Shaun came over around 4 after he got off from work and we just hung out at the house. One of Shaun's friends, Shaun Gilbert, stopped by as well as Casie and her husband who were in town for the weekend. I haven't got to see Casie since the summer so I was excited to spend alittle time with her.
Well we have had our first ornament death on Friday as well....I was in the front of the house and I noticed Kason got really quite so I went in the den and I noticed Kason sitting by the tree and he was playing with something. I went over and I found a broken GLASS ball that he thought he should play with. Needless to say he cut his hands alittle but it didn't seemed to be bothering him because he was so mad when I took it away from him.

Saturday morning was pretty much a lazy morning until around 12:30 pm when Me, Kason, Shaun and Mikah headed to my Aunt and Uncle's house for the Iron Bowl.
This was Kason's first Iron Bowl Party at my aunts house but spent most of it down at his Nana's. I know all you crazy Alabama fans are super excited that y'all killed us..but WAR EAGLE anyways. Me and my family had a great time watching the game and enjoyed hanging out with each other.

The Girls

Sunday morning we went to church then to eat lunch at Shaun's mother. We headed home and Kason took about a 2 hour nap and I got something's done at the house. Later that evening we went back to Lowes then headed back to the house for the evening.
Pictures I took for our Christmas cards...I tried to just sit him in front of the tree but they didn't work. I know how much he loves playing with boxes so I decided to wrap a diaper box and take his picture that way.

I hope everyone had a great and safe was tough getting up this morning especially as cold as it was. I hope everyone has a Happy Monday!!!
Sounds like a great time spent with family!! I love all the pictures. Kason is such a cute boy and getting so big!!
I have tried SEVERAL attempts taking Brayden's picture in front of the tree but he will not be still. The box is a good idea. LOL
Have a great week at work and ROLL TIDE!!!! :-)
It sounds as if you had a great Thanksgiving. Kason is too cute.
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