Well yesterday was a very long day...mostly spent holding Kason ALL DAY LONG. He was quite the whiny one yesterday but at times you would have thought nothing was even wrong with him. Finally around 3:15 we headed to Dr. Walley's office. I really didn't want to take him but he has been sick off / on since Christmas so I figured I might as well go ahead and waste another copay. We got to Dr. Walley's office around 3:45 because are appointment was at 4:00. Let me just say 1 hour 15 minutes later which would be 5 pm we finally got called back to a room. Lucky for me Kason sat in my lap the whole time which is a first. When Dr. Walley came in the room I told him that we had missed him so we came to pay to visit with him. He got a laugh as well as myself so I wouldn't cry. But 1 good thing did come out of the doctors visit we have BRONCHITIS which means we atleast left with antibiotics. I know I shouldn't be excited that my child is sick but atleast it wasn't just a viral infection. We also have a yeast infection which I'm not even going to go there. So we finally were out of the doctors office around 5:15 and then I discovered not only was I going to get in afternoon traffic but it was raining. I think we finally made it to CVS in Fultondale around 5:50 to discover that is would be a 45 minute wait for his medicine...YEA RIGHT. Like I'm going to sit in CVS for 45 minutes with a sick baby. He was already a angel at the doctors office I sure wasn't about to push my luck. So I headed home to already cooked dinner, which might I say was NICE and Shaun watched Kason so I could run back and get the medicine. Kason sleep okay I guess...he woke up off /on crying and coughing and giving him medicine for some reason lately has become a nightmare. Needless to say he is at his Granny's today so I could come back to work.
I'm sure God got another great laugh out of me yesterday...He is just determined to teach me patience and as I have said many of times I don't pray for patience for a reason but I guess he doesn't really care what I want.
Yuck - it is so hard when they are little and sick. I hope he gets to feeling better soon!!
Poor Baby I hope he fells better in the next few days!
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