Friday was a great day because I only worked till 10:45 am. We had lunch at a co workers house that had open heart surgery two weeks ago and afterwards our boss let us off for the rest of the day. I had a couple of errans to run before I picked up little man then we headed home. Friday night was mostly spent hanging out at the house with Shaun and Mikah.
Saturday morning Kason was up bright and early at 6:30 am. What happen to him sleeping till 8 am I have no idea. We really didn't do much Saturday mostly just hung around the house. Later that evening I took Kason to get a much needed haircut, did alittle shopping for a baby gift and then had dinner at Chick fil A together. Shaun and Mikah worked on the house Saturday afternoon and got mostly everything back in place.
Sunday morning started off crazy and we didn't make it to church. Finally once we thought things were back to normal we went to Shaun's mom for lunch and then to Walmart to pick up things for the Memorial Day cook out at the country club aka my Aunt Robin's house. Sunday night me, Shaun, Kason and Mikah went to hang out with our friends Robert and Amanda so we could give them their baby shower gift. (her shower is the same day as our wedding)
Monday ofcourse was spent eating good food all day long and hanging out by the pool. Even though the pool was freezing Madison, Kason, Mikah, Shaun and myself decided to get in. Kason wasn't really for sure about the water at first but I think once it warms up he will do better. I also think the fact that his feet don't touch scares him just alittle. We had a really good day with the family.
This is going to be a crazy week...Between trying to finish last minute wedding stuff and packing for myself and Kason to stay with my mom and sister next week I'm sure I will be ready our relaxing cruise on Sunday.
Playing with my new camera...

Kason playing with his new t-ball set...

He loves Bananas and must have it in both hands....

Opening day at the England Country Club

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