Our precious son Tucker was born in May in 2000. Shortly before his first birthday a lump appeared on his right thigh. 10 days after his first birthday, he was diagnosed with a childhood cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. God healed him after a year of chemo, radiation, and surgery. He was cancer free for 6 years.
Feb 16th, 2008
In February of 2008, Tucker started complaing about his leg hurting, and we took him to the doctor. They discovered that Tuck had a second cancer, ostoegenic sarcoma.
God brought us through cancer the first time, and now we have completed our battle with the second tumor. We praise Him for a wonderful team of doctors, nurses, and support staff that have cared for us over the past year.
March 17th, 2009
We now face another battle against AML, a form of leukemia. We are in for the fight of our lives. It is March 17th and we start a 7 day chemo in the morning.
My prayer for Tucker has always been that he will be a good witness and have a worthy testimony. God has, and continues to answer that prayer. So many people have shared with us over the years that his story touched their lives. We pray now that this new part of our story will continue to touch the lives of others for Jesus Christ.
Jason, Courtney, Tucker and Lily
Below was posted on his Caringbridge journal yesterday:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 5:50 PM, CDT
I guess the time has come for us to let you know Tucker's status. We have put this email off for as long as we can - but we feel like it's time to let all of you know. You have been so faithful to pray for us at a moments notice and we will be forever grateful. As we enter this phase of Tucker's precious life, we still covet your prayers.
We are not going to Minnesota. As we wrote earlier, he took a turn for the worse last Saturday. We still are not completely sure what is in his lungs, but the general concensus is that it is the leukemia spreading.
At this point we are working to keep Tucker as comfortable as possible. Dr. Watts and his team are working to find the combination of meds that will be the most beneficial for him.
Please continue to pray for our precious baby.
Joshua 1:9
My sister and brother-in law visted with them today for a couple of hours. The doctor has said there is nothing more he can do and Tucker will die. We all know that our God can preform great miracles and Tucker is in his hands. They have put him on morphine to help with his breathing and to make Tucker as comfortable as possible. I ask for everyone to pray that God's will be done in this situation and that peace will be with Tucker as well as his mom and dad if God decides to take him home. I know as a parent I would not want to see my child suffer but the thought of him being taken away would scare me as well. Please continue to pray for the Beam Family as they go through this very difficult time in their lives.
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