Josh Candler Stell arrived October 12, 2009. The day started normal for April with her weekly doctor visit infact she drove herself to her appointment thinking nothing had changed since her last visit...but oh boy was she wrong. After the doctor got done examining her he said do you want to have a baby today??? You are already at 4 cm. Ofcourse a very swallow (so she says) April couldn't wait to get this baby out of her. So she was sent to labor and delivery and Doug and her mom was right behind. The doctor broke her water and the contraction started. No epidural (Yes girls April did a natural birth again)and a few hours later Josh Candler Stell arrived. He weighed in at 8lbs and 20 inches. If she would have delivered 3 weeks later he probably would have been an 9 or 10 lb baby. Baby Josh and April are doing great and should be able to go home tomorrow.
Kason's picture for behind his bed finally arrived today. I'm so pleased how it turned out and it fits his room perfectly...ROLL Tide Right????
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