Well this weekend didn't really go quite as I had planned. Thursday when I picked Kason up from daycare they said he was running a low grade fever. I stayed with my parents Thursday night and Kason stayed with PaPaw on Friday so he wouldn't have to go back to daycare. Friday night we decided to hang out at the house and we watched ALOT of Elmo videos. Saturday morning me and Kason got up and went to the Bryan Elementary Fall Festival with Nana, Leslie and Madison. We had a great time and Kason was able to play alot of the games this year. Thanks Nana!!!! Saturday afternoon when Kason woke up from his nap he was running 103+ fever. I had to run to Walmart and Mt.Vernon to pickup my unsold consignment and get my check. I had stuff that didn't sell but I still received a check for $165.00 YAY!!!! I decided to call the nurse and take him to After Hours at 6:45. Well 3 hours later we were sent home with a viral infection...A BUNCH OF CRAP!! because most of the night he ran 104+ fever. We were suppose to go to the Pumpkin Patch today but I figured high fever + dragging him around the patch all day didn't = mother of the year. I'm trying to rotate Ibuprofen and Tylenol ever 3 hours to keep his fever under control and it looks like PaPaw will get atlittle taste of PaPaw daycare this week.
Please continue to pray for our family as we continue to face very trying times. Please pray that I make the best decision for me and Kason.
Fun Times @ the Fall Festival

Slide Time

What can I say the boy loves all types of balls...

Kason and Sassy

Me and Little Man

Jump In Tigger Mommie

I got BOOTS Mommie...
I found these little rain boots at the consighment
and I knew Kason would love them.
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