Well I wish I could share pictures with you but can you believe I didn't take the first picture this weekend....Friday night my parents picked up Kason from daycare and I meet them and Madison at Chili's for dinner. Afterwards we stopped by the movie store so I could get a movie (Post Grad) and then headed home. Kason ofcourse watched his movie (Cars) for the 1000 times and I enjoyed by girly movie. Saturday morning after getting up I headed to my parents house to drop Kason off so my parents could watch him while I went to Casie's baby shower. I can't believe I forgot my camera because Casie got some really nice things and the Lily centerpieces were beautiful...she used Lilies because that is what her liitle girls name will be. My parents meet me at the house with Kason and we road with them out to Hancock Fabrics and I was able to get Kason's hair cut while we were out. Before coming home we took the kids to Chicken Leg aka Chick fil A for dinner and let Madison and Kason play. Sunday of course was church and I visited the Single Mom's Sunday School Class. There were about 8 ladies in the class ranging in different ages so I didn't feel out of place. I also went ahead and signed up for the Single Mom's Valentine's Banquet on February 15th. I figured I might as well get use to the fact of being single again so I should surround myself with people of my kind...lol I hate being SINGLE and I feel all alone. All I want is for someone to care and love me like I deserve. I have obviously made really bad choices in the past and now I just have to trust that God is going to lead me in the direction that he sees fit. I'm sure it's not going to be a easy road because I have no PATIENCE at all and that's probably why I'm in the current situation. I just wish this was all over...I wish Shaun would change 1000 % like he says he will and I wish I could believe that he would but I know that probably want be the case and I can't take that chance. I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt and even though people hurt me I still let them back into my life. UGH I'm just so tried of feeling confused and I just want it all over with. Okay enough on that. After church me and Kason came home and took a 3 hour nap...of course I probably want be able to go to sleep tonight. Then we headed to Lowe's so I could rent a carpet cleaning machine and then went by Papa Johns to pick up and pizza. After pizza Kason ofcourse watched Cars AGAIN and I cleaned my carpet. Looks great by the way. Now here I sit typing out my exciting weekend to who???? Does anyone really read this??? Oh well if not it gives me a chance to get things off my chest.
Hope everyone has a great week. Kason is going to stay at his dads for a few days and I do have something fun to do next Friday night. I'm going to the Brad Paisley and Miranda Lambert concert with a friend from work..oh yea did I meant for FREE...YEAH ME!!!!!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
2 check ups and Chuck E Cheese
First stop was for our 10 am appt at Dr. Bragg's office for his post op checkup from Tonsil and Tube Surgery. We got a clean bill of health and Dr. Bragg was amazed how well Kason did after surgery.

Next stop was Dr. Larussa office for a checkup...really that was just a waste of a $30 copay but oh well.

Next we made a quick stop by my work so everyone could see how big Kason has gotten then we made our way to Chuck E. Cheese. Taking Kason to Chuck E. Cheese is a task in it's self. We had alot of fun but once I took Kason back to his daddy's race shop I went home and took a nap to recover. Lord he never slows down and keeps me on my toes 24/7. GOTTA LOVE IT!!!

Next stop was Dr. Larussa office for a checkup...really that was just a waste of a $30 copay but oh well.
Next we made a quick stop by my work so everyone could see how big Kason has gotten then we made our way to Chuck E. Cheese. Taking Kason to Chuck E. Cheese is a task in it's self. We had alot of fun but once I took Kason back to his daddy's race shop I went home and took a nap to recover. Lord he never slows down and keeps me on my toes 24/7. GOTTA LOVE IT!!!
And as far as the rest of the night I just hung out at the house. I told my mom it's amazing what color your tile grout is when you scrub it with a tooth brush. Wow this single life is SOOOO EXCITING needless to say I will be glad when Kason comes home tomorrow night.
Hope everyone had a great day!!!
Love Angela
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Questions Running Through My Brain????
The last couple of days have been really hard for me but I must ask myself why??? Why would I want to stay in an unhealthy marriage? Is it the fear of being alone or do I really love him??? As the days passes with multiple conversation with Shaun I looked at my life and I have said I’m not alone even though I have this loneliness feeling. I have a wonderful healthy little boy that loves his mommy so very much and a family that support this decision 100%. Despite the ugly response I continue to get from Shaun time after time this is the best discussion for me and Kason even though at times I feel alone and sad. I have got to learn that when people are at their worst that is when they bring other down with them and the best decision for myself is from this day forward is to have zero contact with Shaun unless necessary. I have looked at this relationship since the beginning and thought to myself what exactly did you bring to this marriage that was good for me and Kason and as sad as it sounds I haven’t found anything. I have been through so much with Shaun that most people deal with through an entire marriage or shouldn't have to deal with in just the first 7 months of our marriage. I have totally changed everything about myself since this marriage with Shaun begun and not for the good but I still think to myself why do I let him get to me. Why do I keep hearing this is my fault?? We all do things in a marriage that at some point must be forgiven. He is so quick to point out my faults but assumes forgiveness on my end such be automatic and without any questions. Did I see this in the beginning and over looked it due to the hurt of my previous marriage??? I have a lot of questions that run through my mind on why I did this and that but I can’t keep questioning myself. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending. I know I did what I could for him and his kids and whether it was appreciative or being taken advantage of I want question my actions. It saddens me for Kason because I have brought Shaun into Kason’s life thinking he would be a good father figure for him but quickly saw different even though I don't doubt one bit that Shaun loved Kason. I know it will take time for Shaun to be erased from Kason’s little brain but it’s better now than later.
As of today I’m looking forward, forward to getting this over, forward to a wonderful life with Kason and forward to more wonderful memories with my family and friends.
Love you all, Angela
As of today I’m looking forward, forward to getting this over, forward to a wonderful life with Kason and forward to more wonderful memories with my family and friends.
Love you all, Angela
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Back to work...
Well it was back to work today and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would. Kason stayed with my parents last night and today. My dad stayed at my house all day while Shaun got all of his stuff out. One more trip tomorrow and he will be gone. I know this is stupid to say I care about Shaun but I'm sooooooo glad it is in the process of being over.

Monday, January 18, 2010
Prayers for Me
As I continue to face the fact that I am going through my 2nd divorce...even thought I have been told since it didn't last a year I shouldn't even count it..lol it is still very difficult. You go through life as a little girl hoping and praying you will find that one person that will love you unconditional and when you do that person finds a way to let you down. Then when you try to move forward and think you have found that one that can help you raise your child and be a father figure for him then you get hit in the face with yet another let down. Even though I don't have much time invested in my relationship with Shaun as I did with Kason's daddy it is still a very hurtful feeling. I feel like I have been taken advantage of emotionally and financially and now I have been left to pick up the pieces with the help of my family. People who you thought once cared for you and probably considered a friend you find probably was never the case. Everyone keeps telling me that I am better off without Shaun but right now my heart doesn't feel that.
Please just continue to keep me in your prayers. As far as Kason we had a okay night only a few wake ups and seems to be in a okay mood today.
Love Angela & Kason
Please just continue to keep me in your prayers. As far as Kason we had a okay night only a few wake ups and seems to be in a okay mood today.
Love Angela & Kason
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Update on the patient
Well we had a good day yesterday. Kason played strong all day and for the most part slept well last night in my bed ofcourse. His granny Linda brought me dinner from O'Charley's last night so that was a good change. Sassy had to bring me more Fruit Loops for Kason because everything I bought for him to eat after the surgery he hasn't eatten and everything I thought he wouldn't be able to eat he has eatten. Today he is alot more whiny and at times nothing seems to make him happy. He is still eatting and drinking pretty well. I am pretty tired and hoping that if I can get Kason back in his bed tonight I will get more sleep. I know alot of parents love when their kids sleep with them but I'm not one of those parents.
Eatting his surprise his daddy brought by...

Our slumber party

This is probably why I can't sleep with all the extra bed buddies

Tigger and Mickey

Eatting his surprise his daddy brought by...
Our slumber party
This is probably why I can't sleep with all the extra bed buddies
Tigger and Mickey
The mess he continues to make...I finally got that some what cleaned up
Friday, January 15, 2010
Tonsils Out Tubes Back In
Well we are back home and doing better than I thought. The morning started off at St. Vincent's Outpatient Care for a Tonsillectomy but also ended up getting tubes back in his ears as well. Dr. Bragg was afraid that we would be back in a month getting tubes so since he was already asleep we figured we would go ahead and get it over with now. He did better coming out of the anesthesia then he normally does and other than being whiny at times he has already had a bowl of fruit loops and half a pop tart. Please pray that we have a good night.
As far as me please continue to pray that I get through this difficult time. I know I am doing the right thing for me and Kason but it is still difficult feeling like you are all alone.

As far as me please continue to pray that I get through this difficult time. I know I am doing the right thing for me and Kason but it is still difficult feeling like you are all alone.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tonsillectomy in the morning
Well we have to be at St. Vincent's Outpatient Care Center at 7 am for surgery at 8 am. I'm praying this will help out with alot of Kason's sickness. I've been trying to talk to him about the surgery everyday (recommend by the doctor) and the only think he keeps saying is NO SHOTS NO DOCTOR right mommie??? I fell so bad but he does remember ICE CREAM all day and right now he is pretty excited about that. So please just say alittle prayer for him and for my nerves tomorrow. With everything going on in my life I feel like I'm a basket full of nerves waiting to explode. I wish I could erase Shaun from Kason's mind over night it sure would make this easier.
Don't ask because I have no idea what he was thinking with this attire.

Ice Cream and Mac&Cheese for dinner...I get mom of the year :)
Don't ask because I have no idea what he was thinking with this attire.
Ice Cream and Mac&Cheese for dinner...I get mom of the year :)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Starting the process...
Well I have figured out that the beginning of the year is never good for me. I ask that you continue to pray for me and Kason as I have decided to divorce Shaun. Sometimes things don't work out like you thought it would or people aren't who they say they really are and you really don't get to find that out until your married. Life hasn't been that great for me since day one and I thought it would get better but I was badly mistaken. As I lived this life married to Shaun I became a person that I grew to hate because I knew it wasn't me. I have did and said things that I haven't said in 7+ years and I don't feel like I have been myself over the last year. I knew it was something that needed to be done but I was so afraid and still am of what people might say or think of me. I know I can't worry about what other may say as long as I have peace about it but at times that is easier said than done. I know it is the best decision I have made in a very long time even though it was a hard one. I think my biggest problem is the fear of being alone for the rest of my life. I know I am a good person who makes honest mistake daily and for now I must settle down and think about what is best for me and Kason. I have a great family that supports me 100% on this decision and that is the only people I care about.
Please keep us in your prayers especially myself.
Love, Angela & Kason
Kason the cowboy...

Please keep us in your prayers especially myself.
Love, Angela & Kason
Kason the cowboy...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Roll Tide Alabama Football
Well I must say it was a very nerve racking game but Alabama came out on top beating Texas, 37 - 21. As usual we had our football party at my Aunt Robin's house but due to the weather I wasn't able to stay all night. Kason stayed the night with my parents so my dad could keep him again on Friday since he wasn't able to go to daycare. I know all my crazy Alabama family were excited that they won the National Championship.

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