Well we have to be at St. Vincent's Outpatient Care Center at 7 am for surgery at 8 am. I'm praying this will help out with alot of Kason's sickness. I've been trying to talk to him about the surgery everyday (recommend by the doctor) and the only think he keeps saying is NO SHOTS NO DOCTOR right mommie??? I fell so bad but he does remember ICE CREAM all day and right now he is pretty excited about that. So please just say alittle prayer for him and for my nerves tomorrow. With everything going on in my life I feel like I'm a basket full of nerves waiting to explode. I wish I could erase Shaun from Kason's mind over night it sure would make this easier.
Don't ask because I have no idea what he was thinking with this attire.

Ice Cream and Mac&Cheese for dinner...I get mom of the year :)
Thinking about you today and hoping everything goes well with Kason's surgery.
I see that sewing machine in the background...I just printed the manual to mine today and I am going to get started making a pillow cover tomorrow.
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