Well I have figured out that the beginning of the year is never good for me. I ask that you continue to pray for me and Kason as I have decided to divorce Shaun. Sometimes things don't work out like you thought it would or people aren't who they say they really are and you really don't get to find that out until your married. Life hasn't been that great for me since day one and I thought it would get better but I was badly mistaken. As I lived this life married to Shaun I became a person that I grew to hate because I knew it wasn't me. I have did and said things that I haven't said in 7+ years and I don't feel like I have been myself over the last year. I knew it was something that needed to be done but I was so afraid and still am of what people might say or think of me. I know I can't worry about what other may say as long as I have peace about it but at times that is easier said than done. I know it is the best decision I have made in a very long time even though it was a hard one. I think my biggest problem is the fear of being alone for the rest of my life. I know I am a good person who makes honest mistake daily and for now I must settle down and think about what is best for me and Kason. I have a great family that supports me 100% on this decision and that is the only people I care about.
Please keep us in your prayers especially myself.
Love, Angela & Kason
Kason the cowboy...

Angela I just wanted to let you know I am praying for you and sweet Kason. I know this must be a difficult decision to make. I am so sorry that your going through this. I know I don't know you that well but hey I am a single mom too so if you ever wanna just hang out let me know!:)
Angela, i have been married for 15 years and I wish I was only half as brave as you are. Hang in there honey it will get better for you and Kason.
Christie Blythe-Whitburn
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