As far as last week and weekend goes we had a great one.
Kason went to his first Alabama v Auburn basketball game with his daddy and by the looks of it he had a really good time :) I kept telling him he was going to watch AL and AU and he kept telling me AU wasn't going to be there. After realizing I was fighting a losing battle I just said okay. First thing he asked his daddy when he picked him up for the game...Is Auburn going to be there??? I'm sure he just couldn't wait to prove me wrong but as always MOMMIE was right. Seriously this is already starting and he is only 3 1/2.

Wednesday night me and Melanie had a much needed girl's night..Even though we just went to dinner we still had a good time and yes she is going to kill me for posting this picture but what can I say gotta remember the memories...

Thursday night Tim came down for the weekend and just worked from my house of Friday. We did dinner at home Thursday night, Kason ran around the house like a mad man and we watched American Idol.
HELLO Friday...It was PJ day for Kason at day. All I can say is I wish we had a PJ day at ProAssurance. The joys of being a kid again!!
Friday night me and Tim went to dinner at Applebee's and then meet Melanie at Homefield for awhile. Good times!!
Surprisingly I was up pretty early Saturday morning...I was able to work in the yard while Tim went to the driving range. Nothing like working in the yard to make you feel all good inside. I can't wait for SPRING!!!!
That afternoon we FINALLY celebrated Zac's 8th Birthday!!!

Afterwards I ran Kason back to his Granny's, ran a few errands while Tim finished watching the AL basketball game (which they lost) then we headed out for a little bit of shopping. We ran by TJ Maxx first and he bought a few things then headed to the Galleria to break the wallet (notice I said wallet not purse ;) at Buckle and then I went to get a pedicure while he finished shopping.
Sunday I went to church then Me and Tim headed to Greenbrier for some golf. This is where the title of my blog comes to play. I must say golf really isn't my thing!!! I played some important role that day though.... flag girl, ball fetcher (alot of ball fetching) and golf cart driver.

that evening he cooked his famous pork chop casserole for me and Melanie and then we watch Sectarian and just hung out at the house for the rest of the night :)
And here we are Monday...Thank God I only worked half a day due to April's grandmother's funeral because it was already a day from HELL by 11:30. We took over one of our agencies in Tennessee, which is a good thing as in job security but my Lord until we get everything worked out it is a NIGHTMARE!!! I am glad I'm only working tomorrow and Wednesday and then Monday - Thursday of next week.
Look who we are babysitting until Wednesday...Max!!! Tim has already asked a couple of times how we are doing. I mean really??? I gave birth to a child and he is still alive I think I can handle a 10 year old minpin ;) Lord can you imagine how he would be if he actually had kids??? Max's looks pretty content to me all curled up in my bed. I told Melanie this morning he is going to miss Max more than me and that really isn't a joke!!
THE COUNTDOWN TO DISNEY...12 DAYS and we will be in the most magical place in the world!!!

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