Me and Tim headed to Nashville on Friday, December 31st with April and Doug. We grabbed a quick lunch and then headed back to the room to rest up for the BIG night.
We had dinner reservations at Virago's (best sushi ever)

then headed

downtown to meet up with Tim's family and friends.
We rang in the NEW YEAR at Graham Center Station which was a blast.

The night became even better when we went to leave and it was pouring down rain. Needless to say after running more than 7 blocks in the rain, Tim almost getting ran over by a possible drunk driver, he finally got us a cab and we arrived safely back at the hotel.

Saturday morning started early because the Alabama v. Michigan St game came on at 12 and we had to be at McFadden's before the doors even opened at 11, literally. After Alabama killed Michigan State 49-7 we headed to Wild Horse for a little country line dancing and just some hang out time.

The night started off pretty interesting because me and Tim had our "first" real Everything was really crowded and I was starving not to mention tired. I think he knows now when I'm hungry DON'T MESS WITH ME and he better get me some food quick. We ended up at an Italian restaurant called Amerigo. I got my belly full and my butt off my shoulder and we spend the rest of the night downtown at The Stage.

And as the saying goes "All Good Things Must Come To An End" we headed back to Huntsville on Sunday.
WEEKEND #2 for January was a trip back to Huntsville. Tim's friend Jerald and Laura were able to join us Saturday night for dinner at Las Trojas Cantina "home of the Margarona"

and then we went next door to hear Jason Albert "formerly known at Heartland" play.

I came home Sunday morning because the weather was calling for snow and I sure didn't want to take the chance of getting stuck in Huntsville.
Work went ahead and closed late Sunday evening and it was a good thing I came home from Huntsville because they got around 10 inches of snow and we only got about 2 inches of ice / snow mix. Me and Melanie spent Sunday evening and Monday doing absolutely nothing. We walked outside for just a bit to feel of the ice / snow mix and decided it was just to cold.

And who can forget January 10th...Auburn played Oregon and won the 2010 BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP (22-19) Can I get a WAR EAGLE!!!!!

Tuesday was another off day for me due to the roads and the fact that I wanted to get bug back home with me. Of course it was back to work for me on Wednesday and Kason got to enjoy Granny's for the rest of the week.
WEEKEND #3 was a pretty relaxing weekend. Tim came down and we went to dinner and then just hung out at the house. Kason went for his first sleep over some where else other than a relatives house and I bet my mom is reading this saying OMG who did she let her baby stay with??? It's okay mom it was just April. I wasn't for sure how he would do and I told April if he woke up in the middle of the night that I would just come get him. I asked Kason when I picked him up Friday if he wanted to spend the night with Nathan. All he could talk about was all the toys Nathan had so I knew he would be fine. I think Doug finally had to threaten them at midnight to go to bed. Who knows what time they really went to sleep because Kason took a 5 hour nap on Saturday but he seemed to have alot of fun. Sunday was church for me and Kason and then we went skating at Roller Motion with my sister's church.

All I can say is I'm getting to old and I'm too out of shape to be skating. Monday we celebrated Martin Luther King Day with a off day from work...YAY!!! We just spent the day being lazy.
WEEKEND #4 was a trip back to Huntsville. Me and Tim did dinner at Ruby Tuesday and then went home and I crashed. Saturday was cleaning day!!! Tim cleaned his house and I cleaned my car. I must say I don't think I have ever seen my car so clean. That night we met Jerald and Laura at Thirsty Turtle so Tim could watch the AL v AU basketball game then headed to Logan's for dinner and then ended the night at Bishop's.
Sunday we went to see The Dilemma then met Jerald to watch the rest of some NFL game. Needless to say I went shopping while they watched football.
Leading up to Weekend #5 was interesting to say the least. Friday night Kason stayed with Nana and Papaw. Tim came down and we met April, Doug, Tiffany and Josh at Logan's for dinner

then headed to Homefield where we eventually met up with my roomie Melanie and her boyfriend Danny. It was Tim and Danny's first visit to Homefield and I'm sure they were really We however did have alot of fun

and shut the place down at 2 am despite what everyone tried to tell me at dinner.
Saturday morning we headed to Wildcat Country to get Kason then to Stix for Madison's 6th birthday lunch,
home for what I thought was going to be a relaxing evening but right as I was about to take a nap Tim told me I better get up and clean my carpet are it want get done. I must say once I got started I was soooo very happy with the results. The look and feel of my carpet now is FABULOUS. Sunday was church for me and Kason then came home to Tim cooking a nice lunch for all of us before he headed back to Huntsville. The rest of the night was spent hanging out at the house with Kason and Melanie.
And here we are the first day of February and I really can't believe I remembered all that. We have had a pretty uneventful week so far and I hope it stays like that. Tim is suppose to make a mid week visit tomorrow if weather permits and Thursday Kason is going to his dad's for the weekend and I get to have some much needed Lindsey Davis time over dinner and Friday I'm headed to Huntsville for the weekend.
We officially have 39 days until we board the plane to the happiest place in the world...DISNEY!!! I swear me and my sister talk about it every morning and I get more and more excited every day!!! Me and Tim are taking a trip the weekend before for his birthday but due to it being a surprise for someone, not that they would be reading my blog but I can't say much about it other than I will be on a plane two weekends in a row.
Funny Video's To Leave You With...
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