Friday, August 29, 2008

Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL?????

I would say Kason is ready for Football Season...WAR EAGLE!!!!I think he was even trying to play alittle football this morning. For all you crazy Alabama Fans he will be wearing his Alabama Jersey tomorrow. I think I am going to cut them both in 1/2 and sew them together since he isn't old enough to make that decision yet.

Well its the weekend again and a long one at that. Thank God for the Holiday!!!! We have a pretty busy weekend ahead of us. Tonight we are going out with Shaun, then tomorrow we are doing our Labor Day celebrate at the pool all day then that night we are watching the Alabama game. Hopefully we will make it to Robert and Amanda's house for there AL / Auburn football party. Sunday morning Me, Shaun, Kason, Maddie, Steven and Leslie are going to Nashville for the day to do alittle shopping at Opry Mills Mall. I really have no desire to shop I just needed a excuse to go to The Wild Horse Saloon that night and what better time then now. Thanks to Aunt Leslie that is going to be possible because she is going to take Kason back with her that night so Me and Shaun can stay in Nashville and go to my favorite place and since Kason is going to spend the day with his dad on Monday I didn't feel bad about staying the night in Nashville. Sometime this weekend I have to start packing for my Dental Conference trip in Destin because we leave on Wednesday. Not only do I have to pack myself but I have to pack Kason because he is staying with Leslie till Sunday and Madison is staying with Nana. I guess you can say they are trading kids but I think I got the best end of the deal...:)

Hope everyone has had a great week!!!! Have a safe and Happy Holiday weekend and WAR EAGLE!!!!

My little stinker didn't want to get up this morning... This is one of the reason I love being a mommie!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Me & Casie

Me and one of my very best friends from high school, Casie. We made alot of great memories together along with Melanie and sometimes I wish I was back in those days because life was alot easier.

Weekend Is Over

Well I must say I am kind of glad the weekend is over...I know that is normally not what most people say but it has been a very stressful weekend. Friday I was suppose to go get my car but because they didn't call until 4 pm and I was still at Kason's checkup and I had to be at the cake place by 6, I would never make it in 5 o'clock traffic coming from Valleydale. So I had to keep the rental all weekend. Me and Kason grab and quick bite to eat with Shaun and Mackenzie then headed home to get ready for the Birthday party. We managed to get mostly everything done Friday night thanks to the help on my sister and mom. Saturday was such a busy day with the birthday party. Everyone seemed like they had a really good time, even though Kason didn't have a clue what was going on. After getting everything cleaned up, Leslie decided to take Kason home with her for the night. I went to dinner with Shaun and then we went and got Mackenzie and decided to go to the "Big" Pine Bowl for alittle bowling. I was excited thinking I was going to be able to sleep late Sunday morning..but ofcourse it never works out that way. Oh well I did get alot of laundry done before I went and picked up Kason. Sunday was just a day hanging out at the house for us. Kason wasn't in a really good mood and neither was I so after throwing one of his "Reno Fits" he was in bed by 7:20 and I wasn't far behind him.

Even though the weather is a nightmare today I was able to go get my car today so I was pretty excited about that...No more rental even though I do miss my keyless

Hope everyone had a great weekend.......HAPPY MONDAY!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

1st Birthday Party

Kason's First Birthday Party went great!!!! We had alot of fun with family and friends and Kason got alot of great gifts. Thanks to everyone that was able to share this special day with us.

Kason with Family and Friends

Present Time!!!

Cake Time!!!

Kason's Little Guest

Kason's 1 year checkup

Kason's 1 year checkup with Dr. Walley was Friday...His weight was 22lbs 11 ozs and his height was 30 3/4 inches. Kason showed Dr. Walley how well he is walking. He was very happy with everything about Kason..especially that he was already off the bottle and pretty much eatting table food. He gave me some tips to help Kason start drinking whole milk better so we will see if that helps. Over all Dr. Walley was very pleased with how he looked. Ofcourse Kason wasn't so pleased that he had 3 shots and I thought I was in for a great evening but he cheered up afterwards and we had a good Friday night.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My Day With Kason

Kason and I had a great day together yesterday, even though I know Kason didn't have a clue it was his birthday I am glad I was able to spend the day with him. Every time I sang Happy Birthday to him he would look at me like I was was quite funny. Yesterday started off with breakfast and then a quick nap for Kason while I got ready, then we headed out for the day. Our first stop was at RPM so his Daddy could see him, then we headed to my work. Next was a quick stop by my sister works. After that I went by McDonald's and got Kason his first Hamburger Happy Meal and we head to Aldridge Botanical Gardens for a picnic and a walk through the gardens. My plan was to take him to Painted By U and have his feet print done but they haven't opened back up yet since they moved so I will have to do that on another day. Kason finally let me know that he had enough fun and was ready for a nap so we headed home. Once he woke up from his nap I surprised him with a birthday cupcakes and ofcourse his sweet tooth loved it. Later, I got invited to go to dinner with Shaun at Firebirds for Alabama Power. Obviously they get rewarded if they go 6 months with no accidents and let me just say I would have hated to be the one to pick up that ticket.

I have such a busy day today...Kason has his 1 year checkup at 3:15 and I have to go get my car off of Valley Dale after that not to mention pick up the birthday cake by 6 and still get buns, ice and ice cream for tomorrow.

Enjoy the pictures!!!

Enjoying his Cupcake!!!!

Kason's Is Walking Alittle Better Now, The Fun Now Begins For Me!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Kason

Here are some of my favorite pictures from his 1st year.

Dear Kason

Let me first off say Happy 1st Birthday!!!! I cannot tell you how much I have treasured this year. You have awakened a new kind of love in me and to be honest it has taken me by surprise. With that love came a full range of other emotions. I have experienced feelings of helplessness when you were crying in the early months. Feelings of pity when you were in pain from what the doctors finally figured out was reflux and feelings of uncertainty about all the new aspects of life that being a parent brings with it. . I’ve watched you go from a tiny infant to a determined little boy with a mind of your own. You have inspired me by just being you. You have made me look at life in a different perspective and about life beyond my own and its consequences. You can count on me when you need support or a hand to catch you in case you fall.

It has been incredible to watch you discover the world around you and to discover the fact that you can interact with it. You have places that you want to go, explore and all you want from those of us around you is perhaps a hand to chew on or a hand to hold. I will always be here for you, when you want to play peek a boo, snuggle, or when you wake up at 12 AM, crying because your teeth hurt or just because, I will always hold you and keep you close. As I watch you explore your world, always know I am your BIGGEST fan.

Even thought this year has been a very emotional for me, and one day I will try my best to explain I just want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and I can’t give God enough praise for giving me such a precious gift and for allowing me to be your mommy. I know that you are my saving grace. I could never put into words what a great part of my world you are, or what a large portion of my heart you have claimed. I'm glad I have been able to share all your new steps in life and I can't imagine not being able to see you smile, laugh and ofcourse suck your thumb everyday. Every moment of your life is a new blessing in mine. You were the one who made me a mother.

You are My I Love You,

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday and Anniversery Dad and Mom

Just wanted to wish my Dad a Happy Birthday and my parents Happy Anniversery (36 years). My parents will never know what a wonderful, Godly example they have been for me, my sister and our children. We are both very lucky to have such wonderful parents that have been there for us through good times and bad. Even though we may not have always done what was best or have always pleased them with the decision we have made. I know through it all they have always been there for support and lifted us up in prayer and I couldn't ask for anymore.

We love you both !!!!!

Weekend Review

Well the weekend was busy but a very good one I must say. Friday night me and Kason went to Jim n' Nicks for dinner...and then after a quick trip in Walmart we headed to my sister house for the night. Saturday morning started off pretty early because we had a picture appointment at 9:30 in Trussville. At first I was alittle worried about how it was going to go because he seemed alittle ill that morning and for some reason lately he has been glue to his thumb alot more. But as you can see from the slide show below we got some really good pictures and we had a blast. While we waited on the pictures to print I took my sister for lunch at the little pizza place in Trussville. After that we headed back home because me and Kason had Mason's 2nd birthday party at 2 pm. Have I mention at this point we really haven't had much of a nap so hey we were alittle ill. We got home just in time to change clothes and head back out for Mason's birthday party. Luckily Tiffany lives in Hayden 2 so we really didn't have far to drive. We had a great time at the birthday party and Mason got alot of toys. Afterwards we headed home for alittle hang out time. My mom and dad went to dinner at All Steak Saturday night because today is their anniversary and my dad's birthdays. I ofcourse should also mention that Kason has decided to start walking alot more now. Maybe he has finally decided it is better than crawling. Later on that night I decided to go to dinner with Shaun and hang out with him for the night once my parents got home and Kason was in bed. Sunday ofcourse was church and Kason went to his dad's. Afterwards I went to lunch with some friends then to Walmart so I could go ahead and buy all the groceries for Kason's birthday party this weekend. Later that evening I went to Robert and Amanda's house for game night and everyone was so tried that we just decided to make it a movie night.

We have a pretty busy week ahead of us...tomorrow night we are going to dinner at my sister's house for my dad's birthday then ofcourse it counseling Wednesday night. I am taking off Thursday to spend the day with Kason since it is his birthday then we have his 1 year check up on Friday.

Hope everyone had a safe weekend. Happy MONDAY!!!

Mason's 2nd Birthday Party

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Birthday Pictures

Here are Kason's 1 year Birthday pictures...I can hardly believe on Thursday it will be a year that this wonderful little boy entered my life. What a blessing he truly is to me.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Its Finally FRIDAY!!!!

Wow has this been a busy week....Kason is finally recovering from strep throat (i think) and is back at daycare today. He was alittle ill this morning but he wasn't running temperature, maybe he was just in a bad mood. Luckily he was able to stay with his Dad the last 2 days so I didn't have to be off work. We had a good night at counseling but the lesson really didn't pertain to me because it was talking about reconciliation and what the grounds for divorce are in the bible and well I'm already divorced and reconciliation is not a option because A) he is already married again B) its just not a option. Madison has made it almost through a 1/2 a week of big girl school and so far she likes it. She told her mom Wednesday she would go back the next day...guess that is a good thing even though she really didn't have a option. We have a busy weekend a head of us.... We are spending the night with my sister tonight so we don't have to be up so early in the morning and plus she is going with me tomorrow for his picture. After pictures tomorrow we are going to Mason's 2nd birthday party from 2-4. Kason and Mason are exactly 1 year apart so Tiffany decided to have Mason's party this weekend so I could have Kason's next weekend. Sunday ofcourse is church and Kason's is going to his dad's. They are going to celebrate his birthday this weekend. This will give me time on Sunday to do some grocery shopping for Kason's birthday party next weekend.

Hope everyone has had a great week and Happy FRIDAY!!!

Kason has this thing about trying to fit into places he doesn't belong...I really think sometimes he thinks he is a rat because if he can get his head through it the rest he will just squeeze through. Even though he was crying I had to get a picture because I thought it was 2 funny. Please don't call DHR I really do protect my

I don't know why he finds it so much fun to take all his shorts out of the tower and sit inside of it but we go through this every evening.

Sweet Boy!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Madison Is Starting Kindergarten

Who can believe that our little Maddie is starting Kindergarten tomorrow???
Good Luck tomorrow Maddie (and Leslie) We love you BUNCHES !!!

Cranky Crab has Strep Throat AGAIN!!!

Well I thought Monday wasn't going to set the standards for how the rest of my week was going to go but maybe it is. I got a call from Daycare at 11:10 today and they said Kason would not eat or drink anything and is running a 102.5 temp. Ofcourse the first thing that comes to my mind is strep throat because I have already been down that road with him at 8 months. I know the chances of a child his age having strep throat is not liking but when it comes to me it is likely. When I got to daycare he was sound asleep in the pack-n-play so I decided to go ahead and call the doctor to see if they could work us in. So at 1:30 we headed to Redmont Pediatrics for a 2 pm appointment. I explained to the doctor that he acted this same way when he had strep in the past and so she ran a strep test and POSITIVE was the result. I ofcourse asked for him to get a shot of penicillin because I don't like 10 day antibiotics who has time to be off work for 3 days until the antibiotics kick in...NOT ME!!! I don't think Kason was to happy about that decision but that is why I'm the mother and he is the child. For the most part this evening he has been pretty ill at times he seems fine but others he is just real whiny. Hopefully we will have a good night of sleep and then he is off to his dad's in the morning ofcourse after he takes his other kids to school first. This is why I will never regret the comment I made to him the weekend he left.

This is what awaited me at daycare

His Shirt Says It ALL!!!

Well Monday Didn't Go As Planned

Well Monday evening when I was getting ready to leave from the Dollar General area in Gardendale I was pulling out of the parking space and my view was blocked by a Chevy Avalanche so when I started to back up another car was coming through and I backed into his driver side door. My car wasn't really messed up much just mostly paint off the bumper but the other guys door was dented in pretty good. Luckily the guy I hit was a nice guy and wasn't a jerk about it. He said it wasn't my fault but hey in the world of insurance yes it was. Not to mention I didn't have a updated insurance card, I guess I threw the wrong one away. How does a insurance agent not have updated insurance in her car???? Oh well guess that's just money I can say I have to waste now. Hopefully this isn't a sign of how the rest of my week is going to go. Hope everyone has a great week!!!

My Car :(

Pictures I took of Kason during Bath Time and Getting Ready for Bed

Cute little booty!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend Review

Where to begin??? Well Friday night was spent at the funeral home. As I was there preparing myself to see Brother Taylor as he stood by his loving wife of 59+ years, it really brought back emotions of what a marriage is suppose to be and the love that you are suppose to have for each other. You could see the sadness in his eyes even though he knows she is in a much better place. I know God has a great plan for me and Kason, I pray one day God will send me that one person that will love me and Kason no matter what and will stand by us through many trials that a marriage brings. I'm sure Brother Taylor and Sister Grace had trying times in their lives, as most married people do, but with the help from God he was able to stand by her as she laid there and say he had a loving, Godly Wife and Mother. Like I said the other day Sister Grace had no idea how many lives she touched by being a Godly woman and one day she will unite again with her husband.

Saturday morning started off about 7am....Its amazing what you can get done when you get up so early in the morning. After Kason's morning nap we headed to the Galleria with Leslie and Madison. I decided the night before to go ahead and let Kason sit forward facing in his car seat. We have been at the weight limit since 9 months and since his birthday is coming up I figured I would go ahead and change him. He finally gets to see the world in a different way.

Our first stop for the morning was at Angel Hair in Hoover for Kason's First Haircut. I was alittle concerned on how this was going to work because most of you know Kason doesn't like to be held down and loves to move around but to my surprise and his Nana's when I called her, he did AMAZING. They have it setup really well for kids and as you can see by the pictures they had him sitting in a boat. They also have a horse and a firetruck that they move up to when they get older It is definitely a great idea because it keeps them distracted while they get there hair cut. MaryAnn did a great job with his hair and now he truly looks like a little boy.

After that we head to the Galleria for some shopping, lunch and ofcourse a ride on the carousel.
Next stop was the Summit for some more shopping and a quick trip into Pottery Barn kids so Madison could play with the Kitchen stuff. I have also come to the conclusion on this shopping trip that I need to start designing boy's clothes. I mean why does everything have to be sports related???? I know boys love sports but not everyone wants it on every outfit of clothes. I did manage to get Kason some winter clothes from the Children's Place so I felt accomplished at the end of the day. Then it was time to head back home from a very tried day of shopping.

That night I got to go out with my group of friends that I play cards with on Sunday night. We first stop by The Palace in Truss Vegas for some Chinese aka CAT and then about 10 of us headed to Trussville Play Station for putt putt golf. I have NEVER EVER played so well!!!I WON out of all 10 of us and I was 6 under par not to mention I got 2 hole in 1's. After that we went back to Shaun's house for a movie. Needless to say it was 1:30 am when I got home this morning which was way past my bed time. Sunday was church and because I got in so late I was struggling to stay awake in church so I was in much need of a nap and I got it....3 hours in fact.
Well I guess it is off to bed for the night. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

GO Bulldogs!!!

Let me say KASON IS BACKING TO NORMAL so I will no longer sale him. PRAISE THE LORD!!!! This morning he was back to his happy little self which made me very happy. Ofcourse he was still a little clingy at daycare but I think that is just something he is going through. Kason is finally able to wear his Georgia Bulldog shirt that the Port City boys gave him as a baby gift. They are all crazy Georgia fans and ofcourse since I'm Auburn and Dennis is Alabama they had to send a Georgia shirt. I personally think he looked quite cute this morning. I know all the guys at Port City Racing would be proud of me. 21 days until College Football begins!!!

Kason had his first biting experience at daycare...Yep my little sweet boy got bit at daycare yesterday. It was just alittle mark but I wasn't really prepared for that to start yet. I'm just glad he hasn't learn how to bite back, which I know is something I will probably have to deal with. It did make me alittle mad that he got bit but I know that is just something that he has to go through.

I had a great night at counseling last night. The session this week was titled Moving On, Growing Closer to God. It was all about understanding the good that came out of my divorce and defining what is the center of my life. We talked about how God uses our pain to point you back to him, restore your value system and understanding God's comfort and rest. Psalms 62:5 My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.

We also talked about understanding who you are in Christ and that God's opinion is all that matters. God wants me to understand the plan he has for my life because marriage is not the goal of life. One thing that really stuck in my head was a quote that someone said "Don't let your purpose and vision leave with your divorce. Its all about discovering the dream God put in my heart. We also talked about how many people put there jobs, hobbies, family and other things the center of there life and when it is taken away your orbit becomes unstable but when Christ is the center of your life you orbit will remain stable. Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. No marriage can give me the love God can because he died on the cross for me. GOD HAS A WONDERFUL FUTURE FOR ME AND KASON!!! "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..Jeremiah 29:11

My counselor said she can really see a difference in me since the first session and that even though healing from a divorce can be a long process, she can definitely see a change in me. Gail has really been a blessing in my life and I can't thank God enough for putting such a Godly woman in my life when I needed it the most.

On a sad but should be happy note because she is in heaven now...Sister Grace, which is a lady that goes to my parents church, passed away last night. Words can't describe what a wonderful, loving Godly lady she was and she will probably never know all the lives she touched. Please keep her family in your prayers!!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Hump Day!!!

Lets first start this blog off by saying I have a little boy FOR SALE and he even comes with child support. I really think this is a good deal, especially for a woman who does want a husband and doesn't want to lose her figure. If anyone is interested please let me know...LOL I'm not really for sure what is wrong with my child since Sunday. He has woke up every morning at 6:15 am which is not normal and instead of talking to himself and playing he just whines. Not to mention he has started crying when I leave him at daycare and he isn't even having good days at daycare they say he just whines all day. I don't know if this new class has just got him all confused and the fact that he isn't getting a morning nap or bottle anymore but Lord I will be ready for him to be able to tell me what is wrong. He was throwing one of his "Reno Fits" (that's what I call it when he acts up, because he doesn't get that from me) this morning because I wouldn't hold him because I was getting ready for work. I told him to quit acting like his daddy...sorry Dennis!!! Anyways I warned the ladies at daycare this morning that he was in another one of his great moods.

Tonight I start back counseling and I'm very excited about it. I have really missed it and I have alot to talk with her about. Not really for sure what the rest of the week holds, Kason is suppose to spend the day with his Dad tomorrow and I have to go to my house in Morris after work to see what is up with my phone not working. Hopefully since Shaun use to work at BellSouth he can figure it out so I don't have to pay BellSouth $100 to check it out. Also I hope to get Kason's hair cut this weekend. I'm trying to get him a appointment at Sweet and Sassy at Patton Creek. I know you are thinking that is for girls but they do little boy's also especially for there 1st hair cut.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far. Enjoy the pictures.

Never knew a sock could entertain a kid for so long.