Kason had his first biting experience at daycare...Yep my little sweet boy got bit at daycare yesterday. It was just alittle mark but I wasn't really prepared for that to start yet. I'm just glad he hasn't learn how to bite back, which I know is something I will probably have to deal with. It did make me alittle mad that he got bit but I know that is just something that he has to go through.
I had a great night at counseling last night. The session this week was titled Moving On, Growing Closer to God. It was all about understanding the good that came out of my divorce and defining what is the center of my life. We talked about how God uses our pain to point you back to him, restore your value system and understanding God's comfort and rest. Psalms 62:5 My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.
We also talked about understanding who you are in Christ and that God's opinion is all that matters. God wants me to understand the plan he has for my life because marriage is not the goal of life. One thing that really stuck in my head was a quote that someone said "Don't let your purpose and vision leave with your divorce. Its all about discovering the dream God put in my heart. We also talked about how many people put there jobs, hobbies, family and other things the center of there life and when it is taken away your orbit becomes unstable but when Christ is the center of your life you orbit will remain stable. Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. No marriage can give me the love God can because he died on the cross for me. GOD HAS A WONDERFUL FUTURE FOR ME AND KASON!!! "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..Jeremiah 29:11
My counselor said she can really see a difference in me since the first session and that even though healing from a divorce can be a long process, she can definitely see a change in me. Gail has really been a blessing in my life and I can't thank God enough for putting such a Godly woman in my life when I needed it the most.
On a sad but should be happy note because she is in heaven now...Sister Grace, which is a lady that goes to my parents church, passed away last night. Words can't describe what a wonderful, loving Godly lady she was and she will probably never know all the lives she touched. Please keep her family in your prayers!!

YUCK!!! Get that garbage off that baby. He's going to be scarred for life.
Yeah WAAAARRRRR EAGLE!!!!! I'm sooo proud of you angela and I know that your life is just beginning and you and Kason have soo many things to see and do!
Now get that stinky shirt off of him!
don't you dare put ME-ME's Baby in that crap... and don't even think about putting an ugly Aubrun shirt on him either...I will hurt you... Amy
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