Well the weekend was busy but a very good one I must say. Friday night me and Kason went to Jim n' Nicks for dinner...and then after a quick trip in Walmart we headed to my sister house for the night. Saturday morning started off pretty early because we had a picture appointment at 9:30 in Trussville. At first I was alittle worried about how it was going to go because he seemed alittle ill that morning and for some reason lately he has been glue to his thumb alot more. But as you can see from the slide show below we got some really good pictures and we had a blast. While we waited on the pictures to print I took my sister for lunch at the little pizza place in Trussville. After that we headed back home because me and Kason had Mason's 2nd birthday party at 2 pm. Have I mention at this point we really haven't had much of a nap so hey we were alittle ill. We got home just in time to change clothes and head back out for Mason's birthday party. Luckily Tiffany lives in Hayden 2 so we really didn't have far to drive. We had a great time at the birthday party and Mason got alot of toys. Afterwards we headed home for alittle hang out time. My mom and dad went to dinner at All Steak Saturday night because today is their anniversary and my dad's birthdays. I ofcourse should also mention that Kason has decided to start walking alot more now. Maybe he has finally decided it is better than crawling. Later on that night I decided to go to dinner with Shaun and hang out with him for the night once my parents got home and Kason was in bed. Sunday ofcourse was church and Kason went to his dad's. Afterwards I went to lunch with some friends then to Walmart so I could go ahead and buy all the groceries for Kason's birthday party this weekend. Later that evening I went to Robert and Amanda's house for game night and everyone was so tried that we just decided to make it a movie night.
We have a pretty busy week ahead of us...tomorrow night we are going to dinner at my sister's house for my dad's birthday then ofcourse it counseling Wednesday night. I am taking off Thursday to spend the day with Kason since it is his birthday then we have his 1 year check up on Friday.
Hope everyone had a safe weekend. Happy MONDAY!!!

Mason's 2nd Birthday Party
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