Wow has this been a busy week....Kason is finally recovering from strep throat (i think) and is back at daycare today. He was alittle ill this morning but he wasn't running temperature, maybe he was just in a bad mood. Luckily he was able to stay with his Dad the last 2 days so I didn't have to be off work. We had a good night at counseling but the lesson really didn't pertain to me because it was talking about reconciliation and what the grounds for divorce are in the bible and well I'm already divorced and reconciliation is not a option because A) he is already married again B) its just not a option. Madison has made it almost through a 1/2 a week of big girl school and so far she likes it. She told her mom Wednesday she would go back the next day...guess that is a good thing even though she really didn't have a option. We have a busy weekend a head of us.... We are spending the night with my sister tonight so we don't have to be up so early in the morning and plus she is going with me tomorrow for his picture. After pictures tomorrow we are going to Mason's 2nd birthday party from 2-4. Kason and Mason are exactly 1 year apart so Tiffany decided to have Mason's party this weekend so I could have Kason's next weekend. Sunday ofcourse is church and Kason's is going to his dad's. They are going to celebrate his birthday this weekend. This will give me time on Sunday to do some grocery shopping for Kason's birthday party next weekend.
Hope everyone has had a great week and Happy FRIDAY!!!
Kason has this thing about trying to fit into places he doesn't belong...I really think sometimes he thinks he is a rat because if he can get his head through it the rest he will just squeeze through. Even though he was crying I had to get a picture because I thought it was 2 funny. Please don't call DHR I really do protect my

I don't know why he finds it so much fun to take all his shorts out of the tower and sit inside of it but we go through this every evening.

Sweet Boy!!!!
i got my head stuck in the rail at the galleria one time.....:o)
I am glad he is feeling better and sorry to hear he is sick! Sounds like a busy weekend for you but hopefully you will get a lot accomplished! Awww..I am glad Madison is liking school - she is so cute! LOL @ the pics....Kason is so funny trying to squeeze between stuff! Have a great rest of the day!
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