Thursday, September 18, 2008

What A Week...TGIF

Well lets see...Kason has thrown up atleast once everyday since Saturday...and last night was the finally straw for me to hear the pediatricians office tell me it is a stomach virus. I know no why when you register for baby stuff you better put at least 10 sets of extra sheets on there because go through a week of vomiting and you are sure to use them all. Today I decided to bypass the pediatrician and go straight to the GI doctor. Luckily I was able to get a appointment with Dr. Morris today at 3:45. After going over everything that has occurred this week, Dr. Morris put him on Prevacid for a week and then we go on September 29th for a gastric emptying scan..which will scan his lower stomach to see if it is emptying correctly. He also gave him some medicine to help with the nausea and vomiting at nighttime so we will see how it works.

As far as the weekend goes, Kason is going to stay with his Daddy tomorrow night and me and some friends are going to dinner and bowling. Saturday me, April and Tiffany are taking the kids to Tannehill for a picnic then to Trade Days. Hopefully Sunday will involve us going to church because we haven't been in a month.

Please continue to keep Shaun and all the guys in your prayers. They arrived in Beaumont, Texas today and by the way he talks it is a big mess.

Love You ALL,

Pictures from the Week!!!


Unknown said...

I know you must be stressed with all the vomiting! I really hope the medicine works and gets him (and you) some relief!

A picnic sounds fun!! I hope yall have a good time - the weather has been so nice all week!

Have a great day!

Crystal said...

poor thing! I hope he is on the upswing of things now.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I talked with Uncle Bill yesterday and he said that TX was awful. He said that the boys (AL Power) would probably be staying in tents. Ford would simply love to be there with them! I hope that Kason is feeling better. If you need us, we are just a call away.
