Well I'm driving home from work yesterday and I'm topping the hill from North Birmingham getting ready to enter into Fultondale and I hear a pop sound like I had ran over something. So I look in the mirrors and I didn't see anything that I could have possibly hit so I just kept on driving. I started to notice my car driving alittle weird so I thought well I better pull over and make sure I don't have a flat. I of course look at the front tires first and noticed they were still okay then I check the back...no surprise the back left tire is flat. I'm thinking to myself OH GREAT just what I need a flat tire. So first things first I unloaded everything out of the trunk of my car just so I could get to the spare tire. Now I always thought I would be able to change a tire if it came down to it but when you can't even get the spare tire loose from the trunk I guess you can't move on to the next step. Lucky for me I called Shaun and he was there in about 10 minutes and changed it for me. I ofcourse had to go get Kason from daycare so Shaun took my car to Warrior Tire to get me a replacement tire and to check and see if it was covered under the warranty...but ofcourse you know it wasn't. Oh well atleast I have a new tire and I didn't have to drive on the donut. When I picked Kason up in Shaun's truck, he had to sit in the front with me because his truck doesn't have a back set. Kason just kept looking over at me smiling and laughing he thought he was such a big boy. The day I really needed my camera I didn't even have it. I wish you could have seen the look on his face...PRICELESS!!! That big smile will just melt your heart. Anyways we headed home and not far behind was Shaun with my new tire. YEAH!!!! Before Shaun had to come fix my tire he went by the grocery store to get steaks and veggies for dinner to cook on the grill. Let me just say again I LOVE MY NEW GRILL!!!! I bought a basket to cook with on the grill so tonight was the night I was going to test it out. We cut up squash, red potatoes, bell pepper and onions poured alittle olive oil, lemon, lime, salt/pepper over them and grilled. FABULOUS!!!! I'm not really a steak fan so I couldn't break Shaun's heart and not eat the steak because he was so excited. It wasn't bad but I still don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal about steak. I will just stick to my chicken. I told Shaun last night we don't make such a bad team when it comes to cooking!!!
Kason ofcourse is just being his rotten little self lately. He is into everything these days. I was trying to unload the dishwasher the other night and while I had my back turned he had already climb right on top of the door and was going to sit down. Also the other night I had put him in the bath tub and I was walking back and forth between his room and the bathroom and all of a sudden I heard a sound. I go into the bathroom and he had climb/fell out of the bath tub and is sitting in the floor looking at me like should I cry or not and will I be in trouble. I know Nana will probably kill me when she reads this but hey all I can say is he is 100% BOY!!! He is always trying to hike his leg over the tub to get out and I guess he finally hiked it alittle bit to much. Shaun has taught him to say TADA so he just goes around the house saying it over and over and over again. It's quite funny!!!
Hope everyone's week is going well...THANK THE LORD TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!!
let me just begin by saying "why couldnt i have been with you". That is freaking hillarious, I could have used that laugh. Second, I am just so glad that you are happy and that you have shaun. He is good for you and I think yall have a good long future together.
Hey girl - hate to hear you had a flat...no fun at all. Better yesterday than this morning in the rain! Awww...I bet Kason was too cute sitting up there smiling so big. Sounds like you have your hands full with him into everything - isn't it fun?!!?! The dinner sounds good - makes me hungry!
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