Last week I tried to keep myself busy so I wouldn't get upset about Kason being gone. Even though leaving me was a decision Dennis made I don't see how someone can be away from there child for so long. Oh well atleast he is back in my arms and I couldn't be happier. I did get somethings done last week like gather all of Kason old winter clothes together so I can put them in Kids Market for the September consignment sale. Wow I didn't realize how many clothes he had. I'm hoping to make enough so it can go towards this years winter wardrobe. I also got to met one of my old high school friends (Melanie) for dinner one night.
Saturday when I picked Kason up we went straight to the Splash Pad in Gardendale to celebrate Nathan's 3rd Birthday.
The Birthday Boy..

Sunday was a day of church then just alot of me and Kason time. I took him to McDonald's for lunch and then we played on the inside slide set. Then home for a nap and then the rest of the evening we just hung out at the house together.
Monday ofcourse was back to daycare for Kason since he stayed out last week with his daddy so I was alittle nervous how he would do. He actually wanted me to carry him in yesterday morning and he kept hugging me and saying love you mommie...sweet moments. His teacher said he had a great day and only had 1 accident so that was great. She said she really missed him last week. Potty training is going okay I still don't send him off in underwear like daycare does but most of the time when he wakes up in the morning his pull up is dry. Yesterday evening was more me and Kason time which I really enjoy. He is such a funny little boy and you just never know what he might do. He kept trying to feed his toy tiger a piece of his popcorn chicken last night. He is also doing really well in his toddler bed. I thought I would have alot of problems him trying to get out but surprisingly he is doing well. I guess sometimes he does listen to me...:)
Old pictures I forgot to post...Kason playing in the rain.

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