Saturday morning Kason slept till about 7:30 and then he was 100% all day. Me and Shaun took him to my sister church at North Gardendale for there Back To School Summer Party. They had a water slide, slip and slide and little pools setup for the kids to play in. Kason had a blast with the water slide and decided that going down head first was alot more funnier then on his booty.

Afterwards Kason went to spend the night with his Nana & PaPaw since they don't get to keep him very much and then later that night me and Shaun went to Chuck and Jennifer's for a game of poker and then to watch the UFC fight. I ofcourse went for the gossip ;).
Sunday ofcouse was Sunday School and Church and then to Shaun's parents for lunch. Shaun had to work and I went to April's baby shower.

Afterwards I went up to my Aunt's pool to spend the rest of the evening with my family and watched Kason swim. He decided he would jump into the water without his swimmies on and ofcourse he wasn't to happy when he didn't come up quite so quick. As you can see he quickly got over that and was back to normal.

On our way home we made a stop by the church to see Shaun and then headed home for a bath and then bed.
Today it's back to work and it's Kason's last week in daycare. Next week he starts Preschool. Everyday this week he gets to dress a certain way..Monday - Hat, Tuesday -Dress Backwards, Wednesday - Dress Yourself, Thursday - Character and Friday - PJ. Thursday night we get to meet his teacher and take all his supplies to his classroom.
This look is priceless...This is his take the picture smile so I can get down.

I hope everyone had a great weekend...Please keep all the students and teachers in your prayes this week as they get ready to go back to school. My neice Madison starts 1st Grade, Mackenzie and Mackayla will be Seniors and Mikah will be 10th grade at Gardendale. Not to mention both girls are living with us so we all will be getting ready with only 1 bathroom. Extra prayers for us in the morning time so we don't all kill each other. :) Also my dad started back work today so pray he has a unstressful week.
Love you all, Angela
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