When I got home yesterday this is what I found...so
sweet I had to get a picture.

Kason was with his dad this weekend and they celebrated
his 2nd birthday at his Granny and PaPaw Reno's house.

This was a driving suit I bought many years ago
before I was even pregnant with Kason. Now his
daddy want give it back to me...lol :)

As far as me and Shaun last weekend..Friday night we hung out with Chuck and Jennifer. Me and Jennifer saw The Time Travelers Wife and the guys saw The Collector. Saturday morning I cleaned house all day and then I had Angela time that evening while Shaun went to play poker with the guys. Sunday was Sunday School and Church and then back home for alittle couch time until Kason got home that evening.
Kason was suppose to start Preschool yesterday but due to his current sickness that hasn't happened yet. I need him to feel better because we have an Elmo Birthday party this weekend.
Today is my Dad's Birthday and my Parents Anniversery of 37 years.

I have a busy rest of the week trying to get things ready for Kason's birthday party. I can't believe Friday he will be 2 years old. Where has the time gone???
Okay back to work... :) :) :)
Bless your heart...I hope Kason is feeling better in time for his birthday party this weekend!
Hope your little man is back to his self soon!
Where did you get that suit!!!! Owen would love one. OMG I love it. Happy B'day Kason.
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