Friday, October 31, 2008


Well I was trying to get a picture of Kason this morning in his Halloween shirt but of course that is an act of congress. Trying to keep his thumb out of his mouth just to get a picture sometimes just isn't possible. Hope everyone has a HAPPY HALLOWEEN and a safe weekend!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Tuesday!!!

Good Morning...I know I'm a day behind on my weekend review but yesterday at work was crazy and I don't have Internet at home yet...but that will change hopefully tomorrow.

I must say nothing really to exciting happened this past weekend. My weekend actually started Thursday because I was off Friday. Thursday night me and Shaun cooked on the grill and watched the Auburn game. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!!!!! Friday started off at 5:00am because I had to take Shaun to get a epidural block in his back. The rest of the day was pretty much spent running errans and taking a very long nap. That night me, Kason and Shaun went to dinner at Chili's and then just went back to the house and hung out. I went to bed pretty early because I wasn't feeling very well. Kason ofcourse was up bright and early Saturday morning at 6:45 so no sleeping in. Saturday we just hung out at the house and I tried to clean alittle bit. I told my mom Saturday I now know why they kept us in playpens all day long because you can't get anything done with a 14 month old trying to get into everything. Cleaning out the refrigerator was a task. Later that evening we went up to my Aunt's house to watch the Alabama/Tennessee game. Sunday we went to church and then to Shaun's mom for lunch. Me and Kason went home and took a nap and then headed to the mall while Shaun worked on a side job. Nana said she would buy Kason shoes for the winter so I had to go pick them out.
I also got Kason's Christmas PJ
that he will wear when he gets his picture made with Santa. I think my trip to the mall was very productive. Afterwards it was just more hanging out at the house.

Not really for sure what the week holds. I know Wednesday night we are going to church for a Fall Fellowship and ofcourse Friday is HALLOWEEN. Kason is going to be a Glow Worm!!! and we are taking him to my mom's church for a Fall Festival. Afterwards he is going to his dad's for the weekend. Saturday I get to go to my first Halloween party. Me and Shaun will be a Gangster Couple. I'm super excited. I have never been to a costume party before. YEAH!!!!

Anyways enough for now....Enjoy the pictures

This is Kason trying to climb into the dryer...Is there anything this little boy want get into????

Pictures from my Aunt's House

My Sweet, Into Everything, Little BOY!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

See What I'm Dealing With

Just so you know I did get on to him
but not before I could get the picture....
He is just so cute and he is looking at
me like he hasn't done anything wrong.
I guess he is thinking all kids climb
on top of the dishwasher door.

Monday, October 20, 2008

What A Busy Weekend

Wow I realized this morning how much I'm going to miss living with my parents because last winter I must have gotten really spoiled with parking in the garage because it was alittle cool this morning when I went outside....I wonder if my parents would let me move back home???? Just kidding and plus if my dad and brother in law had to move me again anytime soon I think they would kill me.

I can't believe the weekend has already came and gone. Does anyone realize how close we are till Christmas??? 65 days if your wondering. What a year!!!!!

Friday night Kason stayed with his Aunt Leslie so I could go to Mackenzie's Homecoming Game. Leslie said Kason did great and ate more than they did at Ruby Tuesday's. After that he just enjoyed all the extra attention and love he was getting from Steven's side of the family. Me and Shaun went to Mackenzie's game for Homecoming and the Dooley girls looked great. Mackenzie and Breanne both represented the 11th grade class. I couldn't believe how cool it was Friday was perfect football weather. Afterwards Mikah and us grabbed some pizza's on the way home and hung out at my house for the night. The picture's didn't turn out so well but you get the point.
Mackenzie and Shaun

Troy and Breanne

Me and Shaun

He cleans up pretty well....

Saturday morning started off early because we had to be up and ready for our trip to the Pumpkin patch. We were suppose to be at my mom's to meet my sister at 10 am but you try getting 4 teenage girls up and out the door on time...just doesn't happen. We had a great time at the pumpkin patch and the weather was wonderful. Enjoy the pictures.

After the pumpkin patch Dennis met me at my moms house so Kason could spend the rest of the weekend with him. Me and Shaun and all the kids went back to Shaun's mom house for more pizza and then we all took a nap. I'm not really for sure what Shaun did. When I woke up he was holding a bottle of 409 and a rag in his hand and going to town in the kitchen. I told him when he was done he could just move on to cleaning my house.


Saturday evening we went to a surprise 30th Birthday party for a girl I use to go to church with. Her sister did a great job on keeping it a surprise and Beth seemed like she enjoyed herself. Happy 30th Birthday Beth.

Sunday morning me and Shaun went back to Gardendale First Baptist for 4 Better 4 Worse Series #4 "The Most Important Ingredient for any Relationship" FORGIVENESS!!!!Afterwards we headed to Shaun's grandmothers for lunch and his neice April's 22nd Birthday party. I went home afterwards to do some much needed house cleaning. I must say it's much easier to clean house when you don't have a 1 year old getting into everything. I got alot accomplished and I even hung the letters of his name back over his bed. Later Shaun came to the house and yes we had PIZZA again for dinner, hung out and played cards.

Well that's my Monday morning weekend in review. I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Finally Friday.....

I'm free again I got my motor running for a wild weekend...It's finally Friday I'm out of control forget the workin' blues and let the good times roll. I thought I would sing the rest of the song 2 you but I figured you got the point!!!!

Well today was a morning I would have loved to have stayed in my nice bed but I was motivated to get up just because I knew it was FABULOUS Friday!!!!

Kason is going to stay with his Aunt Leslie tonight because we have Homecoming game for Tabernacle tonight and I figured it would be alittle late to have Kason out. She hasn't kept him in awhile so I think Madison and her were ready to have him for the night. And I wonder why he is sooooo ROTTEN????

Tomorrow we are all getting up and going to the Pumpkin Patch in Wildcat Country. This is something we do every year with my sister and her family. This year my cousin and her family and Shaun and his kids are joining the group. We will probably take up a whole wagon ourselves. I'm just glad this year it's not going to be near as hot and plus I don't have to carry Kason around in a carrying sling. Afterwards Kason is going to spend the rest of the weekend with his daddy so I'm not really for sure what I will be doing. Saturday night we have dinner plans with a group of friends and ofcourse church on Sunday. Other than that I guess we will just have to wait and see what comes up.

Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!!! HAPPY FABULOUS FRIDAY!!!!!!

This Picture Explains Him 100%

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My First Blow Out

Well I'm driving home from work yesterday and I'm topping the hill from North Birmingham getting ready to enter into Fultondale and I hear a pop sound like I had ran over something. So I look in the mirrors and I didn't see anything that I could have possibly hit so I just kept on driving. I started to notice my car driving alittle weird so I thought well I better pull over and make sure I don't have a flat. I of course look at the front tires first and noticed they were still okay then I check the surprise the back left tire is flat. I'm thinking to myself OH GREAT just what I need a flat tire. So first things first I unloaded everything out of the trunk of my car just so I could get to the spare tire. Now I always thought I would be able to change a tire if it came down to it but when you can't even get the spare tire loose from the trunk I guess you can't move on to the next step. Lucky for me I called Shaun and he was there in about 10 minutes and changed it for me. I ofcourse had to go get Kason from daycare so Shaun took my car to Warrior Tire to get me a replacement tire and to check and see if it was covered under the warranty...but ofcourse you know it wasn't. Oh well atleast I have a new tire and I didn't have to drive on the donut. When I picked Kason up in Shaun's truck, he had to sit in the front with me because his truck doesn't have a back set. Kason just kept looking over at me smiling and laughing he thought he was such a big boy. The day I really needed my camera I didn't even have it. I wish you could have seen the look on his face...PRICELESS!!! That big smile will just melt your heart. Anyways we headed home and not far behind was Shaun with my new tire. YEAH!!!! Before Shaun had to come fix my tire he went by the grocery store to get steaks and veggies for dinner to cook on the grill. Let me just say again I LOVE MY NEW GRILL!!!! I bought a basket to cook with on the grill so tonight was the night I was going to test it out. We cut up squash, red potatoes, bell pepper and onions poured alittle olive oil, lemon, lime, salt/pepper over them and grilled. FABULOUS!!!! I'm not really a steak fan so I couldn't break Shaun's heart and not eat the steak because he was so excited. It wasn't bad but I still don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal about steak. I will just stick to my chicken. I told Shaun last night we don't make such a bad team when it comes to cooking!!!

Kason ofcourse is just being his rotten little self lately. He is into everything these days. I was trying to unload the dishwasher the other night and while I had my back turned he had already climb right on top of the door and was going to sit down. Also the other night I had put him in the bath tub and I was walking back and forth between his room and the bathroom and all of a sudden I heard a sound. I go into the bathroom and he had climb/fell out of the bath tub and is sitting in the floor looking at me like should I cry or not and will I be in trouble. I know Nana will probably kill me when she reads this but hey all I can say is he is 100% BOY!!! He is always trying to hike his leg over the tub to get out and I guess he finally hiked it alittle bit to much. Shaun has taught him to say TADA so he just goes around the house saying it over and over and over again. It's quite funny!!!

Hope everyone's week is going well...THANK THE LORD TOMORROW IS FRIDAY!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kason's Test Results

Well after calling for 3 days straight I finally got to talk to a nurse today regarding Kason's endoscopy results. She said that all his biopsies came back normal however we do still show signs of reflux so he wants us to stay on the prevacid and regulin as long as we show no more signs of vomiting. If the vomiting returns we may need to switch his mediciation. We are scheduled for a recheck in a month.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Last Night of DivorceCare

Well last night was my final class for my Divorce Care group. I must say I was alittle sadden because I have grown so close with my counselor, Gail Breckenridge. When I started this class back in April I had no idea what was in store for me or how this would effect my life I just knew at the time I needed someone to talk to that had been through a divorce . God had a complete hand in me meeting her because she normally takes the summer off but decided she would do the class since I had called. I can't thank God enough for putting such a spiritual woman in my life. It has been a very difficult year for me and I know I still have alot of growing and changing to do myself but I really feel like I am in the right direction.

As I sat through class last night it was regarding the different levels of reconciliation. Reconciliation doesn't always have to be remarrying your former spouse. It can be a form of friendship or just being to work with each other for the kids. Of course reconciliation was not an option in my case because Dennis has since remarried but I pray that we reach the other forms of reconciliation especially for Kason's sake. As they mentioned last night divorcing your spouse doesn't get rid of them especially if you have children you will always be connected with that person you just have to learn to deal with the situation.

One thing that really scares me about new relationships or even remarrying is the thought that it seems like no one in America fights to save there marriage anymore. I want to know that the next person I marry would fight and do whatever it takes to save what God has put together. Marriage is supposed to be a lifetime commitment, a pledge to do whatever is necessary to keep the relationship together. If couples look at it as a job they can quit their marriage is headed for trouble. Spouses have to agree that keeping the marriage healthy is their top priority. Marriage takes time and energy. Both spouses should be as concerned with the welfare of each other as they are with themselves. Committed couples who deal with unexpected problems together actually strengthen their marital bonds.

Couples need to discuss their priorities and their expectations, and what they hope to achieve in the future. Even if they don’t always agree on the specifics of the new priorities, an open line of communication will facilitate a resolution as well as prevent unpleasant surprises.

Couples need to realize that marriage is their number one priority.

Sorry for getting on the soap box but as I come in contact with people in my life and hear them talk about their marriage and problems it just makes me frustrated to know that the one person you say you love, you are not willing to fight for them. It just doesn't make sense to me. Not being happy is no excuse for getting a have to be happy with yourself first because no person can make you happy. No marriage is promised tomorrow that is why everyday you MUST work at keeping it together.

Please continue to keep me and Kason in your prayers as we journey through life together waiting on what God has planned for us.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bye Bye, Kisses and High 5's

Today was a morning I could have stayed in the bed alittle bit longer!!! Oh well I guess its time for another work week but not before I give you a weekend review.

My weekend started alittle earlier on Friday because I got off work at 12...YEAH!! Shaun had a doctor's appointment so he met me for lunch at Applebee's. Afterwards we went to Lowe's so I could get my BBQ Grill that my mom said she would buy for me...THANKS MOMMIE!!! I also got some pansy for my pots and hanging baskets. I went home and worked in the yard the rest of the afternoon pulling weeds, potting plants and other outdoor things. I know this is crazy but I love working in the yard. Later that evening me, Shaun and Kason went and tried the new Full Moon BBQ in Fultondale, NOT BAD!!! Afterwards we headed home I watched a girly movie, (MADE OF HONER) and Shaun put my grill together...YEAH!!!!

Even though the pink tools couldn't build a
house they can however put a grill together..

Thanks again Mom for the grill

Saturday morning I had to take Kason to get his first of 2 flu shots and also to get his hair cut. Ofcourse he cried with the shot and wasn't really happy about getting his hair cut this time either. I guess he was more aware of what was going on. Afterwards we headed home for a PB&J sandwich and a much needed nap. Later that evening we went to Fultondale for Shaun to get a much needed hair cut then to JCPenny's. Our shopping trip was for Shaun a suit because he has to escort Mackenzie this Friday night for Homecoming Court...we succeeded with our task and even got it on sale!!!! For dinner we tested out the new grill with alittle BBQ chicken then watched the LSU / Florida game. Shaun got called out for work around 10pm so I got in the bed alittle early.

Sunday was a great morning because Kason let me sleep until 8:30..WOW WOW WOW!!!! We got up had breakfast, got ready and headed to church. We had an amazing service. Bishop Nassan Ibrahim from Africa preached a powerful message on prayer. Afterwards we went home took a nap and played the rest of the evening. Shaun came over after he got off work and we tested out the grill again but I cooked this time and I quote the words from his mouth..."Not Bad For A White Girl". I cooked pork tenderloin and grilled corn and it was FABULOUS!!! The rest of the evening was spent relaxing.

Hopefully I will get Kason's test results back today. I hope everyone had a great and safe weekend. HAPPY MONDAY!!!

Random Pictures From The Weekend!!!

Bye Bye, Kisses and High 5's

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Update on Kason

Well yesterday morning started bright and early at 4am because we had to be at Children's Hospital at 5:30 am for Kason's Endoscopy and ofcourse just as I thought we actually didn't get started until 7:30 why may I ask did we need to be there at 5:30 am????? I was alittle worried how he was going to do since I had to get him up so early and then it took forever for them to start..but luckily for me I had backup help from his Nana and Granny. Kason loves to be pushed around in his stroller and I think his Nana loves doing it. Needless to say she got alot of exercise yesterday. Dr. Morris said everything looked good to the "naked eye" but he took a couple of biopsies from different parts of Kasons stomach and we should get the results back hopefully by Monday. It always makes you a little nervous when they have to put your baby to sleep but I knew God has his protected hand on him. When they came and got him he just sat up like a big boy in the bed and they rolled him away. When they brought him back he was already on his 2nd juice cup and was alittle upset but I think that was all part of being put to sleep and I think his throat was alittle sore. I think we finally got home around 10:30am. Luck for me he laid right down for a nap and so did I. Getting up at 4am is not fun!!! He slept till around 12 and then we got up and had a PB&J for lunch then headed to JCPenny's and Walmart. Then it was back home for another nap. I love nap time!!!!! For the most part Kason was in a pretty good mood yesterday considering what he had been through. Later that evening Shaun came over and hung out with us for awhile and ofcourse then it was off to bed.

My Sweet Little Boy!!!

He found our Tupperware cabinet and all
the toys in the world and he wants the broom!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Philosophy of Life

Below is a DivorceCare daily email that I received and wanted to share...

A key job for you as a parent is to help your children develop a philosophy of life.

"Everybody has a philosophy of life," says Dr. Bob Barnes. "A philosophy of life is what you're counting on to get you through in life. So, if you want to help your child develop a philosophy of life, consider carefully what philosophy you are modeling in your home each day. Is it 'If we can just get to the next paycheck, we'll be fine'? Or is it 'All we need is a car that actually runs'? Perhaps your philosophy is 'If I can get married again, then everything will be okay.'

"Your philosophy of life needs to be a faith in Jesus Christ, where you are counting on the Lord whether or not you understand the circumstances. Your children need to see that your philosophy of life is your faith in Christ. They will walk out of your home with some kind of philosophy, and it needs to be God."

If you think that your philosophy of life is your faith in Christ, are you sure that your children see it that way? Be open with your children about your faith and your reliance on God instead of on material things or circumstances. You will want to make a conscious effort to express to your children how Jesus Christ is a solid foundation that they can live their lives on.

"He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken" (Psalm 62:2).

Kason was all over the place last night I was trying to get a picture of him in his pjs that his Aunt Leslie had bought him but I couldn't get him to be still very long. I think last night was the first night in awhile he was actually in a happy mood which ofcourse made me happy.... :) :) :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Drawing of Kason

I asked a girl I went to high school with, Deborah, if she would draw a picture of Kason. She wasn't very happy with how it turned out and said that drawing children was not her forte. I think it turned out just fine!! Thanks again.

Weekend Didn't Go As Planned

Well my weekend didn't go as I had planned because I left work Friday around 2pm not feeling so well. It started with a headache, body ache and alittle nausea so I decided to go home and take a nap thinking I would get to feeling better. Around 5 pm I decided to get up go get Kason and head to Mackenzie's football game but around 6:30pm I told Shaun that I wasn't feeling well and that I was going to go home. I barely was able to sit Kason in the floor and run to the bathroom before I started vomiting. I had to call my ex mother in law and sister for backup until my mom could get Kason because Kason started crying everytime I would throw up. So as you can see my Friday night was pretty much stuck in bed, vomiting and running a fever. Saturday morning I pretty much laid around all day, because I was still weak and tried from the stomach virus. Later that night I went with Shaun to Robert's house to watch the Auburn game which was horrible...I could have vomited again just because they played so bad. Only thing that did go as planned for the weekend was Sunday. Me and Shaun went back to Gardendale First Baptist Sunday for week #3 of his series 4 Better 4 Worse..It was on Adultery (enough said). Then Us, Mackenzie and Mackayla headed to Homestead Hollow. It was fun but not really what I expected I did however get some of there famous grilled corn and I must say dipped in butter it was FABULOUS!!! Afterwards we all head home for a nap then me and Shaun went back to my house and hung out for the night.

Hopefully everyone had a great weekend.

Please keep Kason in your prayers on Wednesday as we are scheduled for his Endoscopy.

Me & Shaun

Mackayla and Mackenzie (Double Trouble)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why Can't It Be Friday???

Well if you are like me you are probably ready for tomorrow to come and go so we can say HELLO to the weekend!!!

First I will give you a update on Kason. I wish I had good news and could tell you that the new medication is working but nope we are still vomiting. I talked with Dr. Morris on Tuesday and I expressed my concerns and I want to make sure we are not missing something. Dr. Morris has decided to schedule Kason for a Endoscopy which will be October 8. They will have to put him to sleep because they will run a tube down his throat and take biopsies from the lining of his stomach. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as well as myself. He has been through alot in the last month and I'm just ready for them to figure out what is wrong so hopefully I can get him back to the happy little boy he normally is.

As far as us being in our house again it has been great but different. Mostly because it is just me and Kason now and I do miss my parents. I still feel like I have made a good decision with the move and I know it will just take time. It doesn't really seemed to have effected Kason but right now with the way he feels I wouldn't know anyways.

Now about me...I decided about a month ago to go have my cholesterol check and just do a over all physical. I will be the BIG 30 in June and I know everything will probably start falling apart so I better get a handle on it now. :) Anyways I should get the results from my cholesterol test tomorrow and I know it is going to be high...I have a history of high cholesterol and it runs in my family so I'm just waiting on the numbers. In the meantime my blood pressure was a little high yesterday, which could explain the random headaches I have been having and plus the last 10 months haven't been the easiest for me. I guess this to will be something I will have to keep a eye on.

As far as the weekend goes, We are going to try and make it to Shaun's daughter's football game tomorrow night. Mackenzie is a cheerleader for Tabernacle. Saturday will be a fun day because this is the weekend we always go to the Fall Festival with my sister and Madison at Bryan Elementary where my mom teaches at. Sunday Kason is suppose to go to his dad's so I'm not really for sure what I will do with myself. I really wouldn't mind going to Homestead Hollow since I have never been before...who knows!!!

Hope everyone has had a great week so far and I know everyone is excited about the weekend!!!
Random Pictures From The Week!!!