Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Friday!!!

Moments Like This Is One Of The Many Reason I Love Being A Mommie!!!

Kason all ready for his Christmas Party today...

I hope everyone has had a great week. If it has been anything likes ours it has been busy. Like I mentioned on Monday Kason has to go to his Dad's this weekend... :(
Me and Shaun are going to the Stell's tonight along with other friends for dinner and alittle Rock Band. Tomorrow is the girls Bake Day and it's at my mom's this year because my aunt redid her kitchen and it's not completed yet. Later that night Me and Shaun are going to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the BJCC. I have always wanted to go and I am so excited about it. Sunday will be church and then I get Kason back for awhile then he is spending the night with my sister to spend the day with her and Madison on Monday. We have dinner at Firebirds with Alabama Power Monday night and then I'm off the rest of the week...YEAH!!! Me and Leslie are hoping to take the kids to the McWane Science Center to see the Magic of Model Trains exhibit on Tuesday then its Christmas Eve at my MawMaws and then Santa will come and visit Kason on Christmas morning. I'm so excited about seeing how Kason's acts this year..even though I'm sure the boxes and paper will be his main entertainment.

I hope everyone has a great weekend of family and friends!!!

Love you all!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kason is so cute!! He is getting so big!!!