Monday, January 18, 2010

Prayers for Me

As I continue to face the fact that I am going through my 2nd divorce...even thought I have been told since it didn't last a year I shouldn't even count it is still very difficult. You go through life as a little girl hoping and praying you will find that one person that will love you unconditional and when you do that person finds a way to let you down. Then when you try to move forward and think you have found that one that can help you raise your child and be a father figure for him then you get hit in the face with yet another let down. Even though I don't have much time invested in my relationship with Shaun as I did with Kason's daddy it is still a very hurtful feeling. I feel like I have been taken advantage of emotionally and financially and now I have been left to pick up the pieces with the help of my family. People who you thought once cared for you and probably considered a friend you find probably was never the case. Everyone keeps telling me that I am better off without Shaun but right now my heart doesn't feel that.

Please just continue to keep me in your prayers. As far as Kason we had a okay night only a few wake ups and seems to be in a okay mood today.

Love Angela & Kason


The Beam Family said...

Praying for you Angela.
Courtney B.

Chris, Nichole & Colby! said...

I am so sorry that you & Kason are having to go through all of this!! YOu are a great person and one day you WILL find MR Right and he will sweepo you off of your feet and be a REAL MAN and take care of you and Kason! Praying for you!