Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tonsillectomy - 1/15/10

Well next time my baby tells me he is sick I probably will check him out first. We are getting ready for school and he says Kason sick and I just joked around with him saying no you aren't. He seemed like he was in a good mood but of course then I get the awful phone call from daycare. I know Ms. Lyn hates to call me because Kason always seems sick. Anyways he was running 101.5 fever and so my Dad went to get him. I knew it either had to be ears or tonsil so I took him straight to the ENT. My dad met me at work around 3 for his 4 o'clock appointment. Of course by this time the Motrin had worn off and he was not so happy and very lethargic. Once we get inside the doctors office he pretty much stayed in my lap and slept..that is of course before he started vomiting in the waiting area. Luckily it didn't start a chain reaction with anyone and mostly everyone in the waiting area was very helpful. Hey if you don't want to wait long in the doctors office just get your kid to throw up everywhere and you are a shoe in. I was already stressed from a not so great day at work so when I got him back to the other waiting area I just started crying. I know big baby is what you are thinking but I had enough yesterday morning with NO HOT WATER and PROBATION at work and know my baby is burning up with a fever. Thank the God Lord Dr. Bragg has decided on a tonsillectomy scheduled for 1/15/10. I know it is going to be a tough surgery but I'm praying this helps him out. We went straight home and he took a little bit of a nap and Tylenol had time to kick in. He woke up in a much better mood last night and was able to get in some playing time before bed. He slept okay mainly waking up when the Tylenol or Motrin wore off and is staying with Papaw today at our house.

Please keep us in your prayers over the next complete of weeks as we get through the current sickness and then surgery.

1 comment:

Chris, Nichole & Colby! said...

Poor baby!! I will be praying on the 15th for al of you I know he will do just fine!