Friday, August 29, 2008

Are You Ready For Some FOOTBALL?????

I would say Kason is ready for Football Season...WAR EAGLE!!!!I think he was even trying to play alittle football this morning. For all you crazy Alabama Fans he will be wearing his Alabama Jersey tomorrow. I think I am going to cut them both in 1/2 and sew them together since he isn't old enough to make that decision yet.

Well its the weekend again and a long one at that. Thank God for the Holiday!!!! We have a pretty busy weekend ahead of us. Tonight we are going out with Shaun, then tomorrow we are doing our Labor Day celebrate at the pool all day then that night we are watching the Alabama game. Hopefully we will make it to Robert and Amanda's house for there AL / Auburn football party. Sunday morning Me, Shaun, Kason, Maddie, Steven and Leslie are going to Nashville for the day to do alittle shopping at Opry Mills Mall. I really have no desire to shop I just needed a excuse to go to The Wild Horse Saloon that night and what better time then now. Thanks to Aunt Leslie that is going to be possible because she is going to take Kason back with her that night so Me and Shaun can stay in Nashville and go to my favorite place and since Kason is going to spend the day with his dad on Monday I didn't feel bad about staying the night in Nashville. Sometime this weekend I have to start packing for my Dental Conference trip in Destin because we leave on Wednesday. Not only do I have to pack myself but I have to pack Kason because he is staying with Leslie till Sunday and Madison is staying with Nana. I guess you can say they are trading kids but I think I got the best end of the deal...:)

Hope everyone has had a great week!!!! Have a safe and Happy Holiday weekend and WAR EAGLE!!!!

My little stinker didn't want to get up this morning... This is one of the reason I love being a mommie!!!


The Reno Family said...

Why did you put him in such an ugly shirt? Just kidding! Even when he is wearing the wrong colors he is still cute as can be! Have a great weekend!

Kristi said...

Hey I could probably work out that cut in half idea with the jerseys. How funny would that be!

Shelley said...

you picked the right colors!!! Don't confuse the boy!